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Send to Amazon "Prep Category is Missing" Absurdity - Is this just me?

With the new Send to Amazon workflow, we are prompted to to fill in the prep category for any SKU that doesn’t have it populated already. And it’s only the first time the SKU is added to a shipment. Not a big deal, right? Except here’s what happens:

  1. Step one: prompt to fill in prep category. Note that the “Units” field is populated.

  2. Step two: We need to select our category from this tiny scroll window - there are 11 options, so scroll carefully

  3. Step three: Select your category and click “Save” for the first time.

  4. Step four: You are alerted to a giant ERROR. Whatever. We want Seller to prep and label so we click “Save” for the second time.

  5. Step five: Except wait! It’s not saved. It removes the error, but jumps you back to the same screen, but now the “Save” button is greyed out and unclickable.

  6. Step 6: In order to get “Save” clickable again, you need to change one of the fields to Amazon. Then you’re able to click “Save” for the third time.

  7. Step 7: The screen reloads, the field automatically reverts back to Seller, and you’re able to click “Save” for the fourth time.

  8. Step 8: It’s not over yet though, remember when the Units field was populated in the beginning? Not anymore! You need to reenter it and then finally you can confirm the SKU.

This isn’t THAT big of a deal; it takes like 15 seconds for the whole process. But when it should take like 5 seconds, and you’re having to do this for hundreds of SKUs, it’s really obnoxious and unnecessarily time consuming. Does everyone else have this same issue, or are our computers just whack?

If someone knows of a way to do this in bulk that would be incredible. Or if Amazon could just fix the process and at least take out the horrible “grey save” glitch that would be incredible as well.

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Tags:Fulfillment center, Shipping labels
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Send to Amazon "Prep Category is Missing" Absurdity - Is this just me?

With the new Send to Amazon workflow, we are prompted to to fill in the prep category for any SKU that doesn’t have it populated already. And it’s only the first time the SKU is added to a shipment. Not a big deal, right? Except here’s what happens:

  1. Step one: prompt to fill in prep category. Note that the “Units” field is populated.

  2. Step two: We need to select our category from this tiny scroll window - there are 11 options, so scroll carefully

  3. Step three: Select your category and click “Save” for the first time.

  4. Step four: You are alerted to a giant ERROR. Whatever. We want Seller to prep and label so we click “Save” for the second time.

  5. Step five: Except wait! It’s not saved. It removes the error, but jumps you back to the same screen, but now the “Save” button is greyed out and unclickable.

  6. Step 6: In order to get “Save” clickable again, you need to change one of the fields to Amazon. Then you’re able to click “Save” for the third time.

  7. Step 7: The screen reloads, the field automatically reverts back to Seller, and you’re able to click “Save” for the fourth time.

  8. Step 8: It’s not over yet though, remember when the Units field was populated in the beginning? Not anymore! You need to reenter it and then finally you can confirm the SKU.

This isn’t THAT big of a deal; it takes like 15 seconds for the whole process. But when it should take like 5 seconds, and you’re having to do this for hundreds of SKUs, it’s really obnoxious and unnecessarily time consuming. Does everyone else have this same issue, or are our computers just whack?

If someone knows of a way to do this in bulk that would be incredible. Or if Amazon could just fix the process and at least take out the horrible “grey save” glitch that would be incredible as well.

Tags:Fulfillment center, Shipping labels
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Good call. And I would, but I just found the bulk option which actually works. I swear I had tried it the other day and it still was requiring SKUs to be done individually. But for anyone with this issue just check the boxes for the SKUs that need it and use the Set Prep Category button at the top.

It still would be nice if doing an individual SKU worked better…

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Send to Amazon "Prep Category is Missing" Absurdity - Is this just me?

With the new Send to Amazon workflow, we are prompted to to fill in the prep category for any SKU that doesn’t have it populated already. And it’s only the first time the SKU is added to a shipment. Not a big deal, right? Except here’s what happens:

  1. Step one: prompt to fill in prep category. Note that the “Units” field is populated.

  2. Step two: We need to select our category from this tiny scroll window - there are 11 options, so scroll carefully

  3. Step three: Select your category and click “Save” for the first time.

  4. Step four: You are alerted to a giant ERROR. Whatever. We want Seller to prep and label so we click “Save” for the second time.

  5. Step five: Except wait! It’s not saved. It removes the error, but jumps you back to the same screen, but now the “Save” button is greyed out and unclickable.

  6. Step 6: In order to get “Save” clickable again, you need to change one of the fields to Amazon. Then you’re able to click “Save” for the third time.

  7. Step 7: The screen reloads, the field automatically reverts back to Seller, and you’re able to click “Save” for the fourth time.

  8. Step 8: It’s not over yet though, remember when the Units field was populated in the beginning? Not anymore! You need to reenter it and then finally you can confirm the SKU.

This isn’t THAT big of a deal; it takes like 15 seconds for the whole process. But when it should take like 5 seconds, and you’re having to do this for hundreds of SKUs, it’s really obnoxious and unnecessarily time consuming. Does everyone else have this same issue, or are our computers just whack?

If someone knows of a way to do this in bulk that would be incredible. Or if Amazon could just fix the process and at least take out the horrible “grey save” glitch that would be incredible as well.

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Tags:Fulfillment center, Shipping labels
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Send to Amazon "Prep Category is Missing" Absurdity - Is this just me?

With the new Send to Amazon workflow, we are prompted to to fill in the prep category for any SKU that doesn’t have it populated already. And it’s only the first time the SKU is added to a shipment. Not a big deal, right? Except here’s what happens:

  1. Step one: prompt to fill in prep category. Note that the “Units” field is populated.

  2. Step two: We need to select our category from this tiny scroll window - there are 11 options, so scroll carefully

  3. Step three: Select your category and click “Save” for the first time.

  4. Step four: You are alerted to a giant ERROR. Whatever. We want Seller to prep and label so we click “Save” for the second time.

  5. Step five: Except wait! It’s not saved. It removes the error, but jumps you back to the same screen, but now the “Save” button is greyed out and unclickable.

  6. Step 6: In order to get “Save” clickable again, you need to change one of the fields to Amazon. Then you’re able to click “Save” for the third time.

  7. Step 7: The screen reloads, the field automatically reverts back to Seller, and you’re able to click “Save” for the fourth time.

  8. Step 8: It’s not over yet though, remember when the Units field was populated in the beginning? Not anymore! You need to reenter it and then finally you can confirm the SKU.

This isn’t THAT big of a deal; it takes like 15 seconds for the whole process. But when it should take like 5 seconds, and you’re having to do this for hundreds of SKUs, it’s really obnoxious and unnecessarily time consuming. Does everyone else have this same issue, or are our computers just whack?

If someone knows of a way to do this in bulk that would be incredible. Or if Amazon could just fix the process and at least take out the horrible “grey save” glitch that would be incredible as well.

Tags:Fulfillment center, Shipping labels
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Send to Amazon "Prep Category is Missing" Absurdity - Is this just me?

by Seller_o5XajdycUibIV

With the new Send to Amazon workflow, we are prompted to to fill in the prep category for any SKU that doesn’t have it populated already. And it’s only the first time the SKU is added to a shipment. Not a big deal, right? Except here’s what happens:

  1. Step one: prompt to fill in prep category. Note that the “Units” field is populated.

  2. Step two: We need to select our category from this tiny scroll window - there are 11 options, so scroll carefully

  3. Step three: Select your category and click “Save” for the first time.

  4. Step four: You are alerted to a giant ERROR. Whatever. We want Seller to prep and label so we click “Save” for the second time.

  5. Step five: Except wait! It’s not saved. It removes the error, but jumps you back to the same screen, but now the “Save” button is greyed out and unclickable.

  6. Step 6: In order to get “Save” clickable again, you need to change one of the fields to Amazon. Then you’re able to click “Save” for the third time.

  7. Step 7: The screen reloads, the field automatically reverts back to Seller, and you’re able to click “Save” for the fourth time.

  8. Step 8: It’s not over yet though, remember when the Units field was populated in the beginning? Not anymore! You need to reenter it and then finally you can confirm the SKU.

This isn’t THAT big of a deal; it takes like 15 seconds for the whole process. But when it should take like 5 seconds, and you’re having to do this for hundreds of SKUs, it’s really obnoxious and unnecessarily time consuming. Does everyone else have this same issue, or are our computers just whack?

If someone knows of a way to do this in bulk that would be incredible. Or if Amazon could just fix the process and at least take out the horrible “grey save” glitch that would be incredible as well.

Tags:Fulfillment center, Shipping labels
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Good call. And I would, but I just found the bulk option which actually works. I swear I had tried it the other day and it still was requiring SKUs to be done individually. But for anyone with this issue just check the boxes for the SKUs that need it and use the Set Prep Category button at the top.

It still would be nice if doing an individual SKU worked better…

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Good call. And I would, but I just found the bulk option which actually works. I swear I had tried it the other day and it still was requiring SKUs to be done individually. But for anyone with this issue just check the boxes for the SKUs that need it and use the Set Prep Category button at the top.

It still would be nice if doing an individual SKU worked better…

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Good call. And I would, but I just found the bulk option which actually works. I swear I had tried it the other day and it still was requiring SKUs to be done individually. But for anyone with this issue just check the boxes for the SKUs that need it and use the Set Prep Category button at the top.

It still would be nice if doing an individual SKU worked better…

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