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A-Z claim refund - stolen by trick-or-treaters

We shipped this order 111-6421891-9053854 with UPS Tracking 1Z58E8370313813111 and the tracking shows package delivered to customer address, also UPS provided delivery picture which clearly shows package delivered to customer front door on Halloween day. We did talk with customer and customer confirmed the delivery picture is correct. Customer created an A-Z claim - Customer issue: Package didn't arrive, Customer comments: " I think it was stolen by trick-or-treaters." We shipped the order on time, delivered on time, package delivered with a proof of delivery picture, provided all these details to A-Z claim team, Amazon issued full refund to customer. Customer confirmed delivery picture is correct, customer confirmed item stolen by trick-or-treaters on Halloween day. If the item is stolen from customer own property, then it is seller fault?

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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A-Z claim refund - stolen by trick-or-treaters

We shipped this order 111-6421891-9053854 with UPS Tracking 1Z58E8370313813111 and the tracking shows package delivered to customer address, also UPS provided delivery picture which clearly shows package delivered to customer front door on Halloween day. We did talk with customer and customer confirmed the delivery picture is correct. Customer created an A-Z claim - Customer issue: Package didn't arrive, Customer comments: " I think it was stolen by trick-or-treaters." We shipped the order on time, delivered on time, package delivered with a proof of delivery picture, provided all these details to A-Z claim team, Amazon issued full refund to customer. Customer confirmed delivery picture is correct, customer confirmed item stolen by trick-or-treaters on Halloween day. If the item is stolen from customer own property, then it is seller fault?

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Did you use buy shipping from Amazon?

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Hello @Seller_u5e9hhppmvTfT- and thanks for posting about this order and claim situation.

It is true that using Buy Shipping services from Amazon does offer certain protections against Item Not Received claims, and that Amazon does recommend obtaining a signature on delivery, particularly for expensive shipments.

As I review the details for the order detailed in the body of your post, it does appear that Buy Shipping was not used and no signature was captured. In such situations, it is possible that this shipment was stolen by trick or treaters or another porch pirate. Since there was an issue with this delivery, but proof of delivery was provided, Amazon will not count the order against the Order Defect rate, but ensures the customer receives a refund for not receiving the item.

For the other order you mentioned in the comment thread, I do see that the label used carrier the 'Late Delivery Risk' warning, such labels are ineligible for protections, per the above help page on Buy Shipping protections.

I hope this information proves useful for future claim scenarios, but let me know if you run into any other questions on either of these claims.



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A-Z claim refund - stolen by trick-or-treaters

We shipped this order 111-6421891-9053854 with UPS Tracking 1Z58E8370313813111 and the tracking shows package delivered to customer address, also UPS provided delivery picture which clearly shows package delivered to customer front door on Halloween day. We did talk with customer and customer confirmed the delivery picture is correct. Customer created an A-Z claim - Customer issue: Package didn't arrive, Customer comments: " I think it was stolen by trick-or-treaters." We shipped the order on time, delivered on time, package delivered with a proof of delivery picture, provided all these details to A-Z claim team, Amazon issued full refund to customer. Customer confirmed delivery picture is correct, customer confirmed item stolen by trick-or-treaters on Halloween day. If the item is stolen from customer own property, then it is seller fault?

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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A-Z claim refund - stolen by trick-or-treaters

We shipped this order 111-6421891-9053854 with UPS Tracking 1Z58E8370313813111 and the tracking shows package delivered to customer address, also UPS provided delivery picture which clearly shows package delivered to customer front door on Halloween day. We did talk with customer and customer confirmed the delivery picture is correct. Customer created an A-Z claim - Customer issue: Package didn't arrive, Customer comments: " I think it was stolen by trick-or-treaters." We shipped the order on time, delivered on time, package delivered with a proof of delivery picture, provided all these details to A-Z claim team, Amazon issued full refund to customer. Customer confirmed delivery picture is correct, customer confirmed item stolen by trick-or-treaters on Halloween day. If the item is stolen from customer own property, then it is seller fault?

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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A-Z claim refund - stolen by trick-or-treaters

by Seller_u5e9hhppmvTfT

We shipped this order 111-6421891-9053854 with UPS Tracking 1Z58E8370313813111 and the tracking shows package delivered to customer address, also UPS provided delivery picture which clearly shows package delivered to customer front door on Halloween day. We did talk with customer and customer confirmed the delivery picture is correct. Customer created an A-Z claim - Customer issue: Package didn't arrive, Customer comments: " I think it was stolen by trick-or-treaters." We shipped the order on time, delivered on time, package delivered with a proof of delivery picture, provided all these details to A-Z claim team, Amazon issued full refund to customer. Customer confirmed delivery picture is correct, customer confirmed item stolen by trick-or-treaters on Halloween day. If the item is stolen from customer own property, then it is seller fault?

Tags:A to Z Claims
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Did you use buy shipping from Amazon?

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Hello @Seller_u5e9hhppmvTfT- and thanks for posting about this order and claim situation.

It is true that using Buy Shipping services from Amazon does offer certain protections against Item Not Received claims, and that Amazon does recommend obtaining a signature on delivery, particularly for expensive shipments.

As I review the details for the order detailed in the body of your post, it does appear that Buy Shipping was not used and no signature was captured. In such situations, it is possible that this shipment was stolen by trick or treaters or another porch pirate. Since there was an issue with this delivery, but proof of delivery was provided, Amazon will not count the order against the Order Defect rate, but ensures the customer receives a refund for not receiving the item.

For the other order you mentioned in the comment thread, I do see that the label used carrier the 'Late Delivery Risk' warning, such labels are ineligible for protections, per the above help page on Buy Shipping protections.

I hope this information proves useful for future claim scenarios, but let me know if you run into any other questions on either of these claims.



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Did you use buy shipping from Amazon?

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Did you use buy shipping from Amazon?

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Hello @Seller_u5e9hhppmvTfT- and thanks for posting about this order and claim situation.

It is true that using Buy Shipping services from Amazon does offer certain protections against Item Not Received claims, and that Amazon does recommend obtaining a signature on delivery, particularly for expensive shipments.

As I review the details for the order detailed in the body of your post, it does appear that Buy Shipping was not used and no signature was captured. In such situations, it is possible that this shipment was stolen by trick or treaters or another porch pirate. Since there was an issue with this delivery, but proof of delivery was provided, Amazon will not count the order against the Order Defect rate, but ensures the customer receives a refund for not receiving the item.

For the other order you mentioned in the comment thread, I do see that the label used carrier the 'Late Delivery Risk' warning, such labels are ineligible for protections, per the above help page on Buy Shipping protections.

I hope this information proves useful for future claim scenarios, but let me know if you run into any other questions on either of these claims.



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Hello @Seller_u5e9hhppmvTfT- and thanks for posting about this order and claim situation.

It is true that using Buy Shipping services from Amazon does offer certain protections against Item Not Received claims, and that Amazon does recommend obtaining a signature on delivery, particularly for expensive shipments.

As I review the details for the order detailed in the body of your post, it does appear that Buy Shipping was not used and no signature was captured. In such situations, it is possible that this shipment was stolen by trick or treaters or another porch pirate. Since there was an issue with this delivery, but proof of delivery was provided, Amazon will not count the order against the Order Defect rate, but ensures the customer receives a refund for not receiving the item.

For the other order you mentioned in the comment thread, I do see that the label used carrier the 'Late Delivery Risk' warning, such labels are ineligible for protections, per the above help page on Buy Shipping protections.

I hope this information proves useful for future claim scenarios, but let me know if you run into any other questions on either of these claims.



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