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Problem with your Seller Account You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit

Can someone help with this, Its been 24 hours and I see the credits and debits for verfication on my bank accounts. I have tried 2 different credit cards.

Problem with your Seller Account

You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit or debit card uploaded in Account Settings.

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Problem with your Seller Account You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit

Can someone help with this, Its been 24 hours and I see the credits and debits for verfication on my bank accounts. I have tried 2 different credit cards.

Problem with your Seller Account

You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit or debit card uploaded in Account Settings.

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It must be a true credit card; not debit. Even if Amazon successfully charges that debit card for fees owed, it still will not work to activate your account.

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Other sellers on the forums have suggested adding the credit card to the buyer side of the account before adding to the seller side.

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Hello @Seller_uibz5fjJaVjuf,

Thanks for reaching out. I can see that your account looks normal and you should be able to list your items. If you have any issues, please contact Account Health through the call me now button and if you need assistance after they complete their investigation, please create a New Discussion and select Account Setup so that someone can take another look for you.



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Problem with your Seller Account You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit

Can someone help with this, Its been 24 hours and I see the credits and debits for verfication on my bank accounts. I have tried 2 different credit cards.

Problem with your Seller Account

You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit or debit card uploaded in Account Settings.

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Problem with your Seller Account You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit

Can someone help with this, Its been 24 hours and I see the credits and debits for verfication on my bank accounts. I have tried 2 different credit cards.

Problem with your Seller Account

You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit or debit card uploaded in Account Settings.

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Problem with your Seller Account You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit

by Seller_uibz5fjJaVjuf

Can someone help with this, Its been 24 hours and I see the credits and debits for verfication on my bank accounts. I have tried 2 different credit cards.

Problem with your Seller Account

You’re currently unable to add or edit listings because either the credit or debit card on file is invalid or it is in the process of validating, which could take up to 24 hours. Ensure that you have a valid credit or debit card uploaded in Account Settings.

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It must be a true credit card; not debit. Even if Amazon successfully charges that debit card for fees owed, it still will not work to activate your account.

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Other sellers on the forums have suggested adding the credit card to the buyer side of the account before adding to the seller side.

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Hello @Seller_uibz5fjJaVjuf,

Thanks for reaching out. I can see that your account looks normal and you should be able to list your items. If you have any issues, please contact Account Health through the call me now button and if you need assistance after they complete their investigation, please create a New Discussion and select Account Setup so that someone can take another look for you.



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It must be a true credit card; not debit. Even if Amazon successfully charges that debit card for fees owed, it still will not work to activate your account.

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It must be a true credit card; not debit. Even if Amazon successfully charges that debit card for fees owed, it still will not work to activate your account.

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Other sellers on the forums have suggested adding the credit card to the buyer side of the account before adding to the seller side.

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Other sellers on the forums have suggested adding the credit card to the buyer side of the account before adding to the seller side.

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Hello @Seller_uibz5fjJaVjuf,

Thanks for reaching out. I can see that your account looks normal and you should be able to list your items. If you have any issues, please contact Account Health through the call me now button and if you need assistance after they complete their investigation, please create a New Discussion and select Account Setup so that someone can take another look for you.



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Hello @Seller_uibz5fjJaVjuf,

Thanks for reaching out. I can see that your account looks normal and you should be able to list your items. If you have any issues, please contact Account Health through the call me now button and if you need assistance after they complete their investigation, please create a New Discussion and select Account Setup so that someone can take another look for you.



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