Read onlyHello sellers, are we ready for the latest in dirty dealings and catch-22s? I have read an article on how sellers are learning how to game these systems to remove perceieved competition from other sellers. Check this out:
I’m now experiencing some of it, with complaints about products that have not even shipped yet at the time the complaint is submitted.
We received a report from a rights owner that you are listing counterfeit products. Sellers on are not allowed to create listings or detail pages for counterfeit goods.
We removed the content listed at the end of this email. We may let you list this product again if we receive a retraction from the rights owner. Their contact information can be found below.
Its bogus because I have had only 2 sales for the items, and both orders had not even shipped out yet. So effectively no one has received anything from me. This is provable in the tracking that at the time this complaint is received, no order was shipped to anyone yet.
More recently, I put up a laptop charger I bought on Amazon that I decided I don’t need, I have 2 and decided to let go of one. It sells and immediately I get this sent to me as a message from the buyer:
" Delete the listing now,or i will report infringement and submit a-z to amazon."
I take a closer look to be sure I didn’t make a mistake and there isn’t one. Same model # and is listed on the same page I bought it from. The charger isn’t gated and there are 4 other sellers on it.
Both of these people are accusing me of something before an item is even shipped out, and I’m aware that Amazon’s stance is guilty until proven innocent and my account can get locked down in suspension and appeals for weeks. It hasn’t happened to me yet but I believe this is how it starts. What can someone do to protect themselves? Should I still ship these items out? I feel like if I’m ever accused my defense can be no item was ever received by the buyer so how can it be counterfeit. But then if I cancel I can still get negative feedback if this buyer is still hostile and cancels go against metrics too.
I don’t know what to do here. Any advice?
If you listed it, then Amazon and the rights holder assumes you have it, regardless of whether you sold one or not. Prove to “THEM” it is not counterfeit by providing INVOICES and not RECEIPTS.
Hello, did you manage to get this solved? I have the same problem as you. I received a Trademark complaint from the “trademark uxcell” email and a few days later my account was suspended.
I never sold the product, I listed it by mistake and then deleted it when I received the complaint.
Any advice on how to solve this? Thanks.