class action lawsuit against Amazon
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class action lawsuit against Amazon

You can join us in a class action lawsuit against Amazon if they hold your money and you sent the goods or if there are indications that they discriminate against you for trading on the platform.

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Tags:B2B, Seller Central, Tax documents, Verification
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A lawyer looked at the contract you signed including the arbitration only clause and still told you that you can sue amazon?

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Amazon had performed a random review on my account and requested documentation to prove that the product I am selling is authentic. I have provided all the requested information and they just keep declining it. In addition to this, they are freezing my payments and holding my product in their FBA center. This is unlawful, the product and suppliers are authentic and I am trying to find out if anyone else is experiencing the same issue. I would like to involve an attorney and put together a class action lawsuit.

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