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Account activity report on Amazon Services -seller central

How can I retrieve my account activity report (date range for 2019) on Amazon Services? I can’t seem to find it.

It’s the report we used last year that shows income, expenses, transfers, sales tax, etc.

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Account activity report on Amazon Services -seller central

How can I retrieve my account activity report (date range for 2019) on Amazon Services? I can’t seem to find it.

It’s the report we used last year that shows income, expenses, transfers, sales tax, etc.

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  1. On the Date Range Reports tab of your Payments Report, click Generate Report .

  2. In the Generate date range report dialog box:

  3. Select the report type.

* A  **Summary Report**  (PDF) is an overview of financial activity in your seller account during a specific date range.
* A  **Transaction Report**  (CSV) is a detailed list of the transactions that occurred in your seller account during a specific date range.
  1. Select the Month or Custom reporting range.
* To generate a monthly report, select a month and year from the  **Month**  drop-down list. You can select a previous month or a future month that includes days up to a year in the future.
* To generate a custom report, use the date pickers to specify the date range for your report.

Note: If you select a date range in the future, you can set the report to recur after the end date. Reports can be generated for upto 365 days at a time going as far back as 2012.
3. Click Generate . Reports can take up to 1 hour to generate. If you do not see your report in the list yet, check again later.

Make sure you select the summary tab. I found this on a previous forum

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Account activity report on Amazon Services -seller central

How can I retrieve my account activity report (date range for 2019) on Amazon Services? I can’t seem to find it.

It’s the report we used last year that shows income, expenses, transfers, sales tax, etc.

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Account activity report on Amazon Services -seller central

How can I retrieve my account activity report (date range for 2019) on Amazon Services? I can’t seem to find it.

It’s the report we used last year that shows income, expenses, transfers, sales tax, etc.

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Account activity report on Amazon Services -seller central

by Seller_JyOSH2hPu0uQr

How can I retrieve my account activity report (date range for 2019) on Amazon Services? I can’t seem to find it.

It’s the report we used last year that shows income, expenses, transfers, sales tax, etc.

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  1. On the Date Range Reports tab of your Payments Report, click Generate Report .

  2. In the Generate date range report dialog box:

  3. Select the report type.

* A  **Summary Report**  (PDF) is an overview of financial activity in your seller account during a specific date range.
* A  **Transaction Report**  (CSV) is a detailed list of the transactions that occurred in your seller account during a specific date range.
  1. Select the Month or Custom reporting range.
* To generate a monthly report, select a month and year from the  **Month**  drop-down list. You can select a previous month or a future month that includes days up to a year in the future.
* To generate a custom report, use the date pickers to specify the date range for your report.

Note: If you select a date range in the future, you can set the report to recur after the end date. Reports can be generated for upto 365 days at a time going as far back as 2012.
3. Click Generate . Reports can take up to 1 hour to generate. If you do not see your report in the list yet, check again later.

Make sure you select the summary tab. I found this on a previous forum

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  1. On the Date Range Reports tab of your Payments Report, click Generate Report .

  2. In the Generate date range report dialog box:

  3. Select the report type.

* A  **Summary Report**  (PDF) is an overview of financial activity in your seller account during a specific date range.
* A  **Transaction Report**  (CSV) is a detailed list of the transactions that occurred in your seller account during a specific date range.
  1. Select the Month or Custom reporting range.
* To generate a monthly report, select a month and year from the  **Month**  drop-down list. You can select a previous month or a future month that includes days up to a year in the future.
* To generate a custom report, use the date pickers to specify the date range for your report.

Note: If you select a date range in the future, you can set the report to recur after the end date. Reports can be generated for upto 365 days at a time going as far back as 2012.
3. Click Generate . Reports can take up to 1 hour to generate. If you do not see your report in the list yet, check again later.

Make sure you select the summary tab. I found this on a previous forum

user profile
  1. On the Date Range Reports tab of your Payments Report, click Generate Report .

  2. In the Generate date range report dialog box:

  3. Select the report type.

* A  **Summary Report**  (PDF) is an overview of financial activity in your seller account during a specific date range.
* A  **Transaction Report**  (CSV) is a detailed list of the transactions that occurred in your seller account during a specific date range.
  1. Select the Month or Custom reporting range.
* To generate a monthly report, select a month and year from the  **Month**  drop-down list. You can select a previous month or a future month that includes days up to a year in the future.
* To generate a custom report, use the date pickers to specify the date range for your report.

Note: If you select a date range in the future, you can set the report to recur after the end date. Reports can be generated for upto 365 days at a time going as far back as 2012.
3. Click Generate . Reports can take up to 1 hour to generate. If you do not see your report in the list yet, check again later.

Make sure you select the summary tab. I found this on a previous forum

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