"Seller code of conduct (Accurate Information)"
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"Seller code of conduct (Accurate Information)"


There is a "Seller code of conduct (Accurate Information)" warning regarding my account. When I contact Amazon seller support and ask for more details, no details are given. Regarding this issue, we request that you specify which product or brand is in violation of the trademark. I am waiting for a response regarding this.

Case ID 15254789851

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Tags:Account Health
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This isn't Amazon, just a forum of other sellers-You will have a notice under performance notifications, post it here (removing personal info) to receive help.

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Hi there @Seller_WNFwJtfpxfTlC,

Thank you so much for utilizing the Seller Forums.

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There is a "Seller code of conduct (Accurate Information)" warning regarding my account.
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Case ID 15254789851
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I understand you have received a policy warning for the seller code of conduct in terms of accurate information.

"You must provide accurate information to Amazon and our customers, and update the information if it changes. For example, this means that you must use a business name that accurately identifies your business and list your products in the correct category. As another example, your shipping settings and inventory data must accurately reflect your operations, including your shipping location(s) and shipping service selections."

From the case ID you have provided here, it does appear there are concerns regarding the accurate information of a listing. Have you recently tried to update any of your listings? What information could have been inaccurate?


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