March 21st- New classification update on my listings. "Category change" from Handmade products to - Nothing
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March 21st- New classification update on my listings. "Category change" from Handmade products to - Nothing

I got an alert my listings category was updated on March 21st - old value- "handmade products" - New value " ---"

That's right- my new category is nothing. Along with that - I also reviewed my inventory page- all sales rank gone on all listings --- nothing, Went to the live listing view- and down where we used to be able to see our sales rank. Nothing. Its not there anymore. I went on to browse dozens of "handmade listings" and it appears that many handmade listings do not have sales rank anymore. I found several listings right on the front page of handmade that are ranked in the top 10 of various categories- some handmade- some not handmade. Its a mess. So this whole classification must be happening in batches. Hard to tell if they are doing it by categories, listing date, etc. I have however, had a slight spike in sales the past few days. Although, I am running a coupon. So I think it is hard to say what is doing it.

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They could be taking another run at changing jewelry again, this same thing happened in Dec when our category was taken away and replaced with -- with no sales rank shown, etc. I have confirmed that this same thing is showing for all of my jewelry listings.

@Joey_AmazonWhy does Amazon always wait until a big sales timeframe to mess around with these changes? First they did this to same thing to the jewelry category in December during the biggest sales period of the year, and now they are doing this again during the Big Spring Sales event. It would be really nice if the handmade team would keep things like this in mind before pushing the "go" button on whatever changes they are making next!

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How did they "alert" you? Email? Just curious.

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@Seller_CVXS7OOEFPqdBSeeing this as well on some of our handmade listings. Blank rank in inventory management and blank on the live listing page. I guess this means those listings are now in the black void of Amazon and cannot be found at all.

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I'm seeing this, too, on my handmade (jewelry) listings. It shows department as just "womens". And the sales rank for each of my listings is gone. My sales have continued to tank and this week has been absolutely horrible.

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@Joey_AmazonCan we get an explanation for these obvious changes - removal of category, sales rank and page views info missing that we are all seeing?

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@Joey_AmazonHere is a case number for you to follow up with: 17495434041

The responses I have gotten have been time wasting (as one would expect in dealing with seller support) but I also know that the first thing you ask for is a case number before you can do anything. Any updates would be appreciated.

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