Been having more issues than ever on amazon
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Been having more issues than ever on amazon

I feel the need to rant about the insane issues on amazon that ONE seller is facing – us being that one seller.

1.) Extortion by an amazon customer

2.) False Patent Claim from a competitor

3.) Incorrect Adult Product classification for a product

4.) Incorrect Hazmat Classification for a product

5.) Hijackers on product

6.) Stolen Inventory at amazon FBA warehouse

Can this list get longer? Anyone have experience with any of these? I think amazon is great for selling, but it seems a lot of the recent attention they have been spending on the fee structures, AWD & AGL – all of which I am not 100% opposed to – but it makes me fear going deeper as they cannot address simple issues, what happens if you have a larger issue with awd/agl and you get non-responsiveness?

Frustrated, but still surviving.

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Greetings @Seller_P1lJTrnvdK1ac, and thank you for posting on the forums. I can understand the frustrations these have caused.

If you're able, I encourage you create threads here on the forums for the individual issues you are facing in each respective forums category (eg. false patent claims, posted in Manage Your Brand; incorrect classifications posted in Create and Manage Listings).

This will get you in contact with our Community Managers who specialize in those issues, and allow you to receive support that is specific to that individual issue. I wish you the best of luck, and please let me know if you have any other thoughts or questions!

- Bryce

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