Read onlyI understand that some buyers are allowed delayed payment. However, my recent disbursement is missing about $102, but the transactions only list $75 worth of deferred (one of them from almost 2 months ago!). There doesn't seem to be any way to see a breakdown of what's in there. Anyone know?
Hi @Seller_XSqPquQH4FvW1,
I think I can help explain what might be happening with your deferred payments. According to the help page What is a deferred transaction?, there are two main types of deferrals:
To see all your deferred transactions and their expected release dates, you can go to Payments > Transaction View, select "Transaction Status" as "Deferred transactions", and click Update. You can also download a detailed report from the Payments Reports Repository by selecting "Deferred transactions" as the report type.
Hope this helps explain what you're seeing!
Best regards, Michael