Now amazon deactivate my account i think in the error--or against amazon rules and guidelines- please read reason below--
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Now amazon deactivate my account i think in the error--or against amazon rules and guidelines- please read reason below--

1- My account ratings point till time showing 288 . showing HEALHTY but my account deactivate i mean above 250 so as per policy amazon not deactivate my truly account. please see attachment below not option.

2-As per amazon policy my account have engage to ACCOUNT HEALTH ASSURANCE program please see news 24april2024 from amazon attachment not have option.

3- Amazon deactivate my account due to product listing policy -FIRST CLICK Refill Set for Clipper Lighter Filler 100ml Capacity 2 Piece ASIN: B0D2VTWTZR , when showing in the Account Health Rating showing account Impact NO IMPACT attachment below not have option

4- I have also summit all needful requirement, information to amazon team in the case id-9768298982 for my ASIN: B0D2VTWTZR.

So I have no idea why amazon punished me. I am a advanced category seller work with amazon last 5 years.

what i can do the best kindly tell me soon....



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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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