Read onlyA huge thank you to all the incredible Handmade sellers who participated in our recent Ask Amazon event! We were thrilled with the level of interest and the insightful questions you brought to the table. Your participation made the event a resounding success, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to connect with us.
For those who weren't able to participate, or if you're looking for a refresher, you can revisit the Ask Amazon event post 'Handmade: New Listing Experience'. You might find answers to your questions there, as many sellers shared similar experiences and inquiries regarding the new listing experience.
But this is just the beginning! We're excited to announce that we'll be hosting a series of Ask Amazon events in the future! These events will focus on trending topics relevant to Handmade sellers, giving you even more opportunities to connect with us and get your questions answered. We're committed to providing timely support and fostering a strong community.
Stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming Ask Amazon events! If you have any ideas for topics that you would like to see, feel free to share here.
Thank you,
@Joey_AmazonI guess I will be the first to respond. Yay that handmade is finally choosing to interact and answer questions from handmade sellers. You do realize that we have been asking these questions for months on end with no response from handmade? I myself opened a post in Dec 2024 regarding the incorrect reclassification of all of my products which put them in categories where they did not belong. No mods responded. Opened a case with support. They closed it. ZERO help!
Guess what I did because there was not one single option remaining, I used the Amazon tool to classify them properly. Because policy states that incorrect categorization gets you policy violations and your seller account closed. And now... only now... does someone from handmade chime in to let us now that we should NEVER do this! Where does that put me and quite a few others now who have been begging for assistance for months?
So going forward... is there an assigned handmade forums mod? We have been tagging you non-stop but are getting no replies so I think we need to know exactly who will be assisting sellers in handmade forums. This way we can tag appropriately when assistance is required and not waste our time or yours.
Next point of concern... while the Q&A was a nice change, there was obviously no real preparation put into it. There was no email sent out to let others know. It was simply a forums post. Handmade forums are basically perused by about 10 sellers regularly and others may trickle in when they have issues. Most come through, read and do not post because they know we are getting no responses or help. It's basically just become counselors couch for the few of us sellers who post, to compare what changes we are seeing and try to find a way through it by ourselves. Sad but true.
So going forward, maybe you should have a schedule section in handmade hub that states the Q&A topic and has time and dates for the scheduled event. Then send out emails to all handmade sellers at least 2 weeks before the event and then a reminder the week of. That gesture alone would prove that someone from handmade is taking an interest and actually cares. Just my opinion. Thanks in advance.
I totally agree with DestLTD.
I also want to know this. In the Ask Amazon Event, Modern Switch asked "Why does Handmade neglect its social media profiles. Why are they not featuring handmade sellers?"
Jameson_Amazon replied "Handmade is working to try to feature Makers in Social Media. In the meantime, in our Handmade Home page, you will find a lot of features products for Valentine's Day!"
My question is this - If Handmade is working to try to feature Makers in Social Media, why has the Facebook Amazon Handmade page, not been updated in over 2 years? I would like to remind THE AMAZON PARTNER TEAM that there are 1.7 MILLION followers for this page. What a wasted resource. Nobody has been "working" on this page!