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New Seller Community

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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Hello there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here.

In taking a look at your account, it look's like you have several unread performance notifications communicating with you Amazon's findings and next steps that you need to take for your account.

Unfortunately, I do not have any insight into their review/investigation process for your submitted information and won't have anything further to share here outside of what was communicated to you in your performance notifications.

Please review those, with focus on the one sent yesterday, 3/3/25. Thank you for understanding.


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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.

by Seller_GwptDYC18iGOq

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Hello there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here.

In taking a look at your account, it look's like you have several unread performance notifications communicating with you Amazon's findings and next steps that you need to take for your account.

Unfortunately, I do not have any insight into their review/investigation process for your submitted information and won't have anything further to share here outside of what was communicated to you in your performance notifications.

Please review those, with focus on the one sent yesterday, 3/3/25. Thank you for understanding.


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Hello there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here.

In taking a look at your account, it look's like you have several unread performance notifications communicating with you Amazon's findings and next steps that you need to take for your account.

Unfortunately, I do not have any insight into their review/investigation process for your submitted information and won't have anything further to share here outside of what was communicated to you in your performance notifications.

Please review those, with focus on the one sent yesterday, 3/3/25. Thank you for understanding.


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Hello there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here.

In taking a look at your account, it look's like you have several unread performance notifications communicating with you Amazon's findings and next steps that you need to take for your account.

Unfortunately, I do not have any insight into their review/investigation process for your submitted information and won't have anything further to share here outside of what was communicated to you in your performance notifications.

Please review those, with focus on the one sent yesterday, 3/3/25. Thank you for understanding.


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