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My seller account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold

My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic. It seems meaningless to be held responsible for a product I never touched, listed or sold. Since October 2, I've provided 6 different appeals to reinstate my account but still all the information I provide is not found enough.

I'm a fairly new seller on Amazon. I literally sent 62 pieces of products though FBA, and I have no FBM history. I literally shipped 5 different ASINS to an FBA warehouse. A small amount of money is held at my account. But my attempts are not about money. This is a wrongful deactivation and it has to be corrected. I believe Amazon needs to prove that I won't have this issue when business gets bigger as long as I follow Amazon's policies well. If this situation is not corrected, how can anyone rely on Amazon and develop it as their sole business?

Original suspension mail is as below:


Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Additional information regarding these policies can be found at the following Seller Central pages

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your account, go to your "Account Health" and click on "Reactivate My Account" to submit necessary information.

What happens if I do not submit the required information?

If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.

Any remaining FBA inventory of the items that caused "inauthentic" complaints will be destroyed at your expense, in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement.


ASIN: | B004560BPY |

Brand: | LEAP FROG |


Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

2 replies
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My seller account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold

My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic. It seems meaningless to be held responsible for a product I never touched, listed or sold. Since October 2, I've provided 6 different appeals to reinstate my account but still all the information I provide is not found enough.

I'm a fairly new seller on Amazon. I literally sent 62 pieces of products though FBA, and I have no FBM history. I literally shipped 5 different ASINS to an FBA warehouse. A small amount of money is held at my account. But my attempts are not about money. This is a wrongful deactivation and it has to be corrected. I believe Amazon needs to prove that I won't have this issue when business gets bigger as long as I follow Amazon's policies well. If this situation is not corrected, how can anyone rely on Amazon and develop it as their sole business?

Original suspension mail is as below:


Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Additional information regarding these policies can be found at the following Seller Central pages

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your account, go to your "Account Health" and click on "Reactivate My Account" to submit necessary information.

What happens if I do not submit the required information?

If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.

Any remaining FBA inventory of the items that caused "inauthentic" complaints will be destroyed at your expense, in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement.


ASIN: | B004560BPY |

Brand: | LEAP FROG |


Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

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support guys believe I've listed it
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No, they don't believe it. The Artificial Intelligence has seen that you did.

At this time you didn't know that for listing BRANDS you need

1. A "Letter of Authorization" from the brand allowing you to sell their brand on Amazon.

2. INVOICE (not receipt) from an authorized distributor. An invoice is a document with your name and address, exactly how you registered it in your seller account under "Legal Entity" and "Official Registered Address". And an authorized distributor is a company authorized by the brand owner.

UNFORTUNATELY you didn't study Seller University before beginning and now you don't have the proofs Amazon wants. UNFORTUNATELY:

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If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.
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Hello @Seller_ZX8B5yTWpxJfW,

Thank you for posting concerns with your account here on the forums.

user profile
My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic.
View post

I see that your account has been deactivated for authenticity concerns. I understand that you've already made efforts to appeal this decision, and I can only imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be to find your account still deactivated. I am here to provide you with some clarity into this situation and what your available next steps will look like.

I would like to provide clarification that, listing a product alone can trigger a request to prove the items authenticity. You do not have to sell the item for this request to occur. I was able to work with other teams to learn more about your situation and they confirmed that you indeed listed this product in your catalog around the end of July this year. I can confirm that you have deleted it in October and there were no sales made for this product in your account. However, since listing a product is seen as intent to sell an item, the authenticity request is valid.

For this type of deactivation, invoices from a verified source for the brand will be required and this is the only viable option for reinstatement. I know this is not the information you were hoping to learn, but I wanted to be upfront with you about your options.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach back out in this thread. The forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


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My seller account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold

My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic. It seems meaningless to be held responsible for a product I never touched, listed or sold. Since October 2, I've provided 6 different appeals to reinstate my account but still all the information I provide is not found enough.

I'm a fairly new seller on Amazon. I literally sent 62 pieces of products though FBA, and I have no FBM history. I literally shipped 5 different ASINS to an FBA warehouse. A small amount of money is held at my account. But my attempts are not about money. This is a wrongful deactivation and it has to be corrected. I believe Amazon needs to prove that I won't have this issue when business gets bigger as long as I follow Amazon's policies well. If this situation is not corrected, how can anyone rely on Amazon and develop it as their sole business?

Original suspension mail is as below:


Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Additional information regarding these policies can be found at the following Seller Central pages

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your account, go to your "Account Health" and click on "Reactivate My Account" to submit necessary information.

What happens if I do not submit the required information?

If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.

Any remaining FBA inventory of the items that caused "inauthentic" complaints will be destroyed at your expense, in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement.


ASIN: | B004560BPY |

Brand: | LEAP FROG |


Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

2 replies
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My seller account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold

My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic. It seems meaningless to be held responsible for a product I never touched, listed or sold. Since October 2, I've provided 6 different appeals to reinstate my account but still all the information I provide is not found enough.

I'm a fairly new seller on Amazon. I literally sent 62 pieces of products though FBA, and I have no FBM history. I literally shipped 5 different ASINS to an FBA warehouse. A small amount of money is held at my account. But my attempts are not about money. This is a wrongful deactivation and it has to be corrected. I believe Amazon needs to prove that I won't have this issue when business gets bigger as long as I follow Amazon's policies well. If this situation is not corrected, how can anyone rely on Amazon and develop it as their sole business?

Original suspension mail is as below:


Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Additional information regarding these policies can be found at the following Seller Central pages

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your account, go to your "Account Health" and click on "Reactivate My Account" to submit necessary information.

What happens if I do not submit the required information?

If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.

Any remaining FBA inventory of the items that caused "inauthentic" complaints will be destroyed at your expense, in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement.


ASIN: | B004560BPY |

Brand: | LEAP FROG |


Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

2 replies
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My seller account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold

by Seller_ZX8B5yTWpxJfW

My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic. It seems meaningless to be held responsible for a product I never touched, listed or sold. Since October 2, I've provided 6 different appeals to reinstate my account but still all the information I provide is not found enough.

I'm a fairly new seller on Amazon. I literally sent 62 pieces of products though FBA, and I have no FBM history. I literally shipped 5 different ASINS to an FBA warehouse. A small amount of money is held at my account. But my attempts are not about money. This is a wrongful deactivation and it has to be corrected. I believe Amazon needs to prove that I won't have this issue when business gets bigger as long as I follow Amazon's policies well. If this situation is not corrected, how can anyone rely on Amazon and develop it as their sole business?

Original suspension mail is as below:


Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing "inauthentic" complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we have concerns about the authenticity of the items listed at the end of this email. In order to ensure that customers can shop with confidence on Amazon, we request additional information from sellers to confirm the authenticity of certain products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Additional information regarding these policies can be found at the following Seller Central pages

How do I reactivate my account?

To reactivate your account, go to your "Account Health" and click on "Reactivate My Account" to submit necessary information.

What happens if I do not submit the required information?

If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.

Any remaining FBA inventory of the items that caused "inauthentic" complaints will be destroyed at your expense, in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement.


ASIN: | B004560BPY |

Brand: | LEAP FROG |


Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

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support guys believe I've listed it
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No, they don't believe it. The Artificial Intelligence has seen that you did.

At this time you didn't know that for listing BRANDS you need

1. A "Letter of Authorization" from the brand allowing you to sell their brand on Amazon.

2. INVOICE (not receipt) from an authorized distributor. An invoice is a document with your name and address, exactly how you registered it in your seller account under "Legal Entity" and "Official Registered Address". And an authorized distributor is a company authorized by the brand owner.

UNFORTUNATELY you didn't study Seller University before beginning and now you don't have the proofs Amazon wants. UNFORTUNATELY:

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If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.
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Hello @Seller_ZX8B5yTWpxJfW,

Thank you for posting concerns with your account here on the forums.

user profile
My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic.
View post

I see that your account has been deactivated for authenticity concerns. I understand that you've already made efforts to appeal this decision, and I can only imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be to find your account still deactivated. I am here to provide you with some clarity into this situation and what your available next steps will look like.

I would like to provide clarification that, listing a product alone can trigger a request to prove the items authenticity. You do not have to sell the item for this request to occur. I was able to work with other teams to learn more about your situation and they confirmed that you indeed listed this product in your catalog around the end of July this year. I can confirm that you have deleted it in October and there were no sales made for this product in your account. However, since listing a product is seen as intent to sell an item, the authenticity request is valid.

For this type of deactivation, invoices from a verified source for the brand will be required and this is the only viable option for reinstatement. I know this is not the information you were hoping to learn, but I wanted to be upfront with you about your options.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach back out in this thread. The forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


Follow this discussion to be notified of new activity
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support guys believe I've listed it
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No, they don't believe it. The Artificial Intelligence has seen that you did.

At this time you didn't know that for listing BRANDS you need

1. A "Letter of Authorization" from the brand allowing you to sell their brand on Amazon.

2. INVOICE (not receipt) from an authorized distributor. An invoice is a document with your name and address, exactly how you registered it in your seller account under "Legal Entity" and "Official Registered Address". And an authorized distributor is a company authorized by the brand owner.

UNFORTUNATELY you didn't study Seller University before beginning and now you don't have the proofs Amazon wants. UNFORTUNATELY:

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If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.
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user profile
support guys believe I've listed it
View post

No, they don't believe it. The Artificial Intelligence has seen that you did.

At this time you didn't know that for listing BRANDS you need

1. A "Letter of Authorization" from the brand allowing you to sell their brand on Amazon.

2. INVOICE (not receipt) from an authorized distributor. An invoice is a document with your name and address, exactly how you registered it in your seller account under "Legal Entity" and "Official Registered Address". And an authorized distributor is a company authorized by the brand owner.

UNFORTUNATELY you didn't study Seller University before beginning and now you don't have the proofs Amazon wants. UNFORTUNATELY:

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If we do not receive the requested information your account will remain deactivated.
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user profile

Hello @Seller_ZX8B5yTWpxJfW,

Thank you for posting concerns with your account here on the forums.

user profile
My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic.
View post

I see that your account has been deactivated for authenticity concerns. I understand that you've already made efforts to appeal this decision, and I can only imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be to find your account still deactivated. I am here to provide you with some clarity into this situation and what your available next steps will look like.

I would like to provide clarification that, listing a product alone can trigger a request to prove the items authenticity. You do not have to sell the item for this request to occur. I was able to work with other teams to learn more about your situation and they confirmed that you indeed listed this product in your catalog around the end of July this year. I can confirm that you have deleted it in October and there were no sales made for this product in your account. However, since listing a product is seen as intent to sell an item, the authenticity request is valid.

For this type of deactivation, invoices from a verified source for the brand will be required and this is the only viable option for reinstatement. I know this is not the information you were hoping to learn, but I wanted to be upfront with you about your options.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach back out in this thread. The forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


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Hello @Seller_ZX8B5yTWpxJfW,

Thank you for posting concerns with your account here on the forums.

user profile
My account has been wrongly deactivated for an ASIN I never sold (or listed; although support guys believe I've listed it but when I check my emails, I don't see any notification mail about that ASIN). It's an authenticity issue about a product I never sold and I'm required to prove that my product is authentic.
View post

I see that your account has been deactivated for authenticity concerns. I understand that you've already made efforts to appeal this decision, and I can only imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be to find your account still deactivated. I am here to provide you with some clarity into this situation and what your available next steps will look like.

I would like to provide clarification that, listing a product alone can trigger a request to prove the items authenticity. You do not have to sell the item for this request to occur. I was able to work with other teams to learn more about your situation and they confirmed that you indeed listed this product in your catalog around the end of July this year. I can confirm that you have deleted it in October and there were no sales made for this product in your account. However, since listing a product is seen as intent to sell an item, the authenticity request is valid.

For this type of deactivation, invoices from a verified source for the brand will be required and this is the only viable option for reinstatement. I know this is not the information you were hoping to learn, but I wanted to be upfront with you about your options.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach back out in this thread. The forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


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