Read onlyIs Amazon ever going to do anything about this. I am so angry with my profits being sucked up by adjustments on return shipping fees. It's bad enough that Amazon overcharges for return shipping labels but then get hit by UPS for adjustments. A 48 oz package is being bill as if it weights 40lbs. It's happening every month. Costing me hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars. I've posted the issue here before and have viewed many others sellers facing the same problem. Amazon answers are even more frustrating and time consuming. The people who have the power to fix this are either ignoring, unaware or approve of the problem. As a FBM seller it's virtually impossible to get pass 1st or 2nd level seller support and communicate with someone who can make a difference.
You already posted this. Posting it again wont change the outcome. Your issue is with UPS, nothing Amazon can do about the dimensional weight.
If you change your package weight to 151lbs, return labels will not be automatically issued. You can then provide your own Fedex labels. Since the Amazon system does not care about dimensional weight, it's your only option
Hello @Seller_mknY8U48Mh6ab I see that you originally asked this question in an earlier forums thread:
Overcharged for Return Shipping? UPS Says 48oz Package Weighs 41lbs!
According to the UPS Shipping Costs and Rates page on the UPS website: "Additional Handling Packages determined by length, width or length plus girth are subject to a minimum billable weight of 40 pounds. Additional Handling determined by weight or packaging/other factors will not be subject to Additional Handling minimum billable weight."
As @Seller_4zBzdtgCyS9EI suggested, you can explore the option to request an exemption from the prepaid return label program. You can request exemptions from prepaid return labels for SKUs in the category: "High-value items (price exceeding $100) that need special shipping (for example, items that require special shipping insurance)." Information on doing so can be found on this help page:
I'm very new here, but the things I've seen have left me dumbfounded.
Here's one for you. I am 20 lbs under the Large Standard tier size for one of my products. I'm 12 inches less in all directions and over my width on a product by .04, which is the size of two sheets of paper. Boom, an extra 25% in FBA fees because they moved me to large.
There are things I can't grasp. Best of luck to you, but relying on Amazon to help you is highly unlikely. I really do hope you can convince someone to help you.
Has anyone had any luck with setting Return Shipping Package Attributes?
We are seeing these "adjustments" and they are all fishy to me. We take pictures of all returns and I have seen stuff come back in the original box yet we are getting hammered with these "adjustments". How does it cost more to return than it was to mail out in those cases?
This could be a dimensional weight issue. It's hard for me to say without knowing the dimensions.
I'm not sure if this is related in anyway to the issue on hand, but, in general, I noticed more and more situations when we order something at Amazon and it comes in a box several times larger than the contents. For example, today we received a huge box, measuring 28 x 21 x 16 inches. It contained an item that has dimensions of 20x14x5 inches. See the photos below. They could have put 3-4 of these items in there.
When I began noticing that, at first I thought they need to hit a certain volume / dims quota with the UPS/FedEx to stay in their shipping rate tier. But I don't think that's the case because we see the same happening with shipments delivered by Amazon vans too.
We rarely see return shipping adjustments, and if there are any, they are tiny, just a few cents, usually. But we are in a smaller-size item category. Although we do have some weird returns sometimes when a customer uses a box several times larger than the item and we get hit with the adjustment fee.
Since Amazon forces sellers to take returns and many of which are unfair, they should pay the customer for the item and shipping! I've lost almost all of my profits this year due to returns. Ridiculous shipping charges and destroyed inventory and their Safe T claim is a joke.
this is a huge concern and any moderator to have any worth needs to bring up this severe injustice and scam and have it addressed in a meaningful manner.
it is theft and is an outrage and also unbecoming of any company particularly of a company that makes billions and billions legally.
it is super frustrating but in the event there's a mistake they actually do adjustment 2weeks and 4weeks later
so in some cases, customer returns 5 units, and UPS PPD Label is $200
If they return in same packaging as shipped, you can look up that order 2 weeks and 4 weeks later and see an adjustment.
now if customer returns is oversize box bcs of they are careless you are SOOL. BUT in the event the PPD return label cost is outrageous, it is actually being refunded exactly 2weeks and 4 weeks later.
i think negative refund a 2 weeks (money amz takes from you) and 4 weeks for them to reimburse you the actual delta (positive towards the balance owed to you)
hopefully this helps makes you feel a bit better