Can't change my product title because I am supposedly not "qualified" even though I am the brand owner.
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Can't change my product title because I am supposedly not "qualified" even though I am the brand owner.

Amazon recently allowed some AI system to run amok and destroyed the title for one of my product listings. It is now a completely stupid and obviously useless title. When I try to update the title through the help form, I am told that I am not "qualified" to change the title because I am not the brand owner, even though I am the brand owner, and have registered my brand with the brand registry. When I try to submit my desired change, I am told that the suggestion will be forwarded to the brand owner for possible approval. However, I never have received any e-mails about the proposed change. How do I fix this? I can't believe how often Amazon is destroying the product listings of its sellers! How do you expect us to sell anything if you are constantly destroying our listings!

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