New Seller Confusion - Match Existing Product or Create New Listing
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New Seller Confusion - Match Existing Product or Create New Listing


I am trying to list a product I have imported. There are other sellers selling this exact item, so I don't know whether I am supposed to match one of the other seller's listing, or create a new one. I see they all have different ASIN's. Most of them are branded too. This is where my confusion match a listing, it has to be EXACTLY the same. If theirs is branded and mine is not, then it's not exactly the same, correct? So I cannot match those listings? Would I have to find the product listed as generic, to be allowed to match it?

Thanks in advance!

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Tags:Add a product, Listings
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"Most of them are branded too. "

In a RATIONAL world all you would need to know is that they are branded and yours will NOT match the brand. At that point you would (apparently) do the right thing and NOT list it on those ASINs.

Where we are now in Bizarro Land is what makes your second statement DANGEROUS!

" Would I have to find the product listed as generic, to be allowed to match it?"

NO -- you MUST NOT list on a 'generic' ASIN either!


Look for the October 6th 2023 story in the Amazon NEWS section titled "Update on listing generic products".

They have now decided that 'generic' is a BRAND!

To quote the lunacy and emphasis added by me because Amazon was apparently too embarrassed to point out the protections they are now giving to no name "stuff".


"Generic products are unbranded products that do not belong to any identifiable brand, and should use the string “generic” for the brand name field when creating a new listing. If you create a new product listing with the brand name “generic” or its local translation, other sellers won’t be able to make product detail page changes or add offers.

This helps customers differentiate among similar-looking generic products.

If you try to change a product detail page for or add offers on another seller’s generic product, you’ll receive a listing error. You will then be guided to create a new product in Add Products.

The Brand Name policy continues to apply to all products.

It is to the point that selling anything 'generic' is a minefield waiting for an explosion. Amazon has gone brain dead.

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