Read onlyMarch 30, 2025 Amazon will end this program. At this point:
• Sellable items will be returned to your FBA inventory.
• Unsellable items will be removed in accordance with your automated unfulfillable settings, or through a manual removal order.
My question is two fold:
A) who in Amazon is qualified to determine if our product is sellable? How would anyone know in Amazon by "looking" at electrical items if it is safe to re-sell, or electricaly hasn't been abused. In MANY cases it needs to be re-tested per UL requirements
B) We want ALL RETURNS to be sent back. It is a safety issue per UL, this is very common with all electrical items. This could include TVs , laptops and many common items
Will we still be able to have all returns sent back for inspection and retesting? Nothing returned to inventory, Please advise the process to do this , Thank you