Read onlyHello @Seller_vIX3XpYvep837. Thanks for the heads-up on that.
It would be great if other sellers could check their Order Type/Status and see if they're also noticing that.
I have seen this issue 2 times out of about 2,000 orders over the last 2 months that cause a "late shipment" that wasn't actually shipped late. I reported this to Amazon, they simply told me "1 day handling" is the same as "same day handling", and that I was wrong. I have attached screenshots for this order.
The other time this happened, 113-6541744-2209814, The buyer purchased the item on 2/15/2024. The buyer left this order in their cart and did not pay for the order until 2/21/2024. Amazon gave me a LTR on the 21st and said the package should have been sent on the 2/16/2024, BEFORE I received payment. I shipped on the 21st within minutes of receiving payment, but got the LTR on my account health anyway. I opened a case with supporting screenshots of the actual transaction date, but Amazon told me they were perfect and don't make any mistakes. Seller support assured me this was okay because I was still well below the 4% limit....even though this was an Amazon generated error. What a joke. SMH
Would it be possible to get Amazon to use the correct word instead of giving by two different meanings? Heck you used the right word in your explanation:
Ship by March 12th. Confirm shipment before March 13th.
Both those sentences mean the same thing simply by changing the "2nd by" to before. A few extra letters with no confusion as to how by is defined.
Hello @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI. You are correct that changing "Confirm as shipped by 3/1/2024" to "Confirm as shipped before 3/1/2024"would give it the same meaning as "Ship by date: 2/29/2024."
However, the wording is accurate.
For this example: the seller has to ship the order by EOD Tuesday. The seller has until Wednesday 3/13/2024 to confirm the shipment.
This will only be relevant for sellers who purchase shipping outside of Amazon Buy Shipping and enter/confirm shipping manually.
Hello @Seller_vIX3XpYvep837 @Seller_895tfTvVFgrTM @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI and all other sellers asking about the messaging provided for the Order Type / Order Status columns.
I am continuing to share seller feedback on this with our partner team, and I will follow up here if there are any updates. We appreciate your feedback about this and other topics.
apparently it is confusing by DESIGN.
Ship by date is the date you must ship by in order for amazon not to give your merchandise away for free.
CONFIRM BY is the latest date tracking info can be entered if it isn't done automatically by those who buy shipping on Amazon.