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New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

Hi All,

We are trying to add a New Ship From location to our account to use when using Amazon Buy Shipping with our Fedex account. Everything works with all locations that were input before the new Locations page was introduced. Since this time, we received errors telling us a Ship From phone number is needed, even though this is present. New location essentially matches all older locations, but with the new location's information.

We have had a pending case since 5/16/24 and we only get updates stating it is being transferred to the relevant team - we have received this 4+ times with no resolution yet. Amazon, USPS and UPS options still show up, but Fedex gives us the Ship From Phone Number Required error.

@KJ_Amazon I tagged you in another post regarding this and it still has not been resolved. Case ID is 15283560981 and I have included a screenshot of the error we receive with ALL Fedex options for the new locations.

57 replies
Tags:FedEx, Shipping
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New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

Hi All,

We are trying to add a New Ship From location to our account to use when using Amazon Buy Shipping with our Fedex account. Everything works with all locations that were input before the new Locations page was introduced. Since this time, we received errors telling us a Ship From phone number is needed, even though this is present. New location essentially matches all older locations, but with the new location's information.

We have had a pending case since 5/16/24 and we only get updates stating it is being transferred to the relevant team - we have received this 4+ times with no resolution yet. Amazon, USPS and UPS options still show up, but Fedex gives us the Ship From Phone Number Required error.

@KJ_Amazon I tagged you in another post regarding this and it still has not been resolved. Case ID is 15283560981 and I have included a screenshot of the error we receive with ALL Fedex options for the new locations.

Tags:FedEx, Shipping
57 replies
57 replies
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Hi @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj,

I see this case is still being researched but KJ and I will keep an eye on it and update if we hear before you do. I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations and feel free to reply below if there are further developments.


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@SEAmod@Rose_Amazon @priscilla_amazon Adding additional mods, we need help on this, PLEASE. There are now multiple posts from multiple sellers.

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Did anyone find a way to lock in the duplicate Ship From location as default so I do not have to change the Ship From on every order?

We started experiencing this glitch with FedEx labels on July 8th or 9th.

user profile

hi i ran into this same issue today with amazon asking me for contact number while its clearly in the shipping settings

Did anyone ever had this issue resolved?

Please advise

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user profile
Is this blocking you from being able to create shipments?
View post

It is blocking me from buying FedEx labels for our FBM (MFN) orders.

user profile
Are you not able to create new locations, or is the issue that you can create locations but then need to request workarounds?
View post

We can create new locations. I just created one called Support Please Help Fix This. I made Support Please Help Fix This our Default location. This new location has the FedEx No Phone Number in Ship From glitch like all the others except for the magically appeared duplicate location. Only the magically appeared Duplicate location allows me to purchase a FedEx shipping label.

I wish we could "Hide" images like in the old forum so they do not take up so much space. Here are the images.


No FedEx above in the original CHIPS and GAMES location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Roswell location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Atlanta location.


Brand new location above created today and set as default does not provide FedEx either. This location is called Support Please Help Fix This.

And here is the error message or grayed out area in Buy Shipping.


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user profile
This is the same temporary solution that was previously implemented for one of your locations.
View post

Temporary may not be the correct word. Temporary normally means a short time. Does your "Partner Team" have any idea when they can fix this glitch? Or, are they still scratching their heads and can't figure out what went wrong?

2+moths seems odd to not fix something.

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj and all other sellers experiencing this issue:

I am continuing to report this issue to our partner team. That team is currently working on a larger fix to the FedEx new location 'phone number is required' issue and I will provide updates as I receive them.

In the meantime, that team will continue to provide individual workaround fixes. I requested fixes for @Seller_Zw8LsZUQSH440 @Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP and @Seller_vsp8XITWOSICB.


New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (June)

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (Sept)

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In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you, @KJ_Amazon!

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you - how will we know if the fix was applied to our account?

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

When will we receive this fix\workaround ??? still not able to purchase fedex labels . help please

user profile

You should see a duplicate entry for the new location(s).

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

It is fixed for us today, 09/26/2024.

FedEx appears under all my locations today. The duplicate locations have also been removed. I only see the 3 locations which I created.

Thank you for the help @KJ_Amazon and having the glitch fixed.

Side note @KJ_Amazon, I am not sure if you may be able to lend a hand to a friend in another topic.

user profile

@KJ_Amazon we can confirm that this is working now on our end as well. Thank you very much for your help on this!

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO

Thanks for those updates. I am glad the team was able to apply the fix, and I will continue to check in for updates on the larger fix in progress.

@Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP Was your issue also corrected?

As for your friend @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO, they may want to ask that question in the Manage Your Brand category, or separate their questions out into grouped topics.

user profile

We are having the same issue. There was a temporary fix described in the thread below that seemed to be successful for other sellers -

"Our team is aware of this issue and is working on implementing a solution. In the meantime, a temporary solution has been put in place. When you select a Ship From location you will see a duplicate option for the newly entered locations. One of these has the correct contact info and can be used to buy Fedex labels while the other will still show the "Phone number is required" message."

We have requested to have this same temporary fix administered to our account via Case ID 16003420531. Please advise as quickly as possible.

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New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

Hi All,

We are trying to add a New Ship From location to our account to use when using Amazon Buy Shipping with our Fedex account. Everything works with all locations that were input before the new Locations page was introduced. Since this time, we received errors telling us a Ship From phone number is needed, even though this is present. New location essentially matches all older locations, but with the new location's information.

We have had a pending case since 5/16/24 and we only get updates stating it is being transferred to the relevant team - we have received this 4+ times with no resolution yet. Amazon, USPS and UPS options still show up, but Fedex gives us the Ship From Phone Number Required error.

@KJ_Amazon I tagged you in another post regarding this and it still has not been resolved. Case ID is 15283560981 and I have included a screenshot of the error we receive with ALL Fedex options for the new locations.

57 replies
Tags:FedEx, Shipping
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New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

Hi All,

We are trying to add a New Ship From location to our account to use when using Amazon Buy Shipping with our Fedex account. Everything works with all locations that were input before the new Locations page was introduced. Since this time, we received errors telling us a Ship From phone number is needed, even though this is present. New location essentially matches all older locations, but with the new location's information.

We have had a pending case since 5/16/24 and we only get updates stating it is being transferred to the relevant team - we have received this 4+ times with no resolution yet. Amazon, USPS and UPS options still show up, but Fedex gives us the Ship From Phone Number Required error.

@KJ_Amazon I tagged you in another post regarding this and it still has not been resolved. Case ID is 15283560981 and I have included a screenshot of the error we receive with ALL Fedex options for the new locations.

Tags:FedEx, Shipping
57 replies
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New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

by Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj

Hi All,

We are trying to add a New Ship From location to our account to use when using Amazon Buy Shipping with our Fedex account. Everything works with all locations that were input before the new Locations page was introduced. Since this time, we received errors telling us a Ship From phone number is needed, even though this is present. New location essentially matches all older locations, but with the new location's information.

We have had a pending case since 5/16/24 and we only get updates stating it is being transferred to the relevant team - we have received this 4+ times with no resolution yet. Amazon, USPS and UPS options still show up, but Fedex gives us the Ship From Phone Number Required error.

@KJ_Amazon I tagged you in another post regarding this and it still has not been resolved. Case ID is 15283560981 and I have included a screenshot of the error we receive with ALL Fedex options for the new locations.

Tags:FedEx, Shipping
57 replies
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Hi @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj,

I see this case is still being researched but KJ and I will keep an eye on it and update if we hear before you do. I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations and feel free to reply below if there are further developments.


user profile

@SEAmod@Rose_Amazon @priscilla_amazon Adding additional mods, we need help on this, PLEASE. There are now multiple posts from multiple sellers.

user profile

Did anyone find a way to lock in the duplicate Ship From location as default so I do not have to change the Ship From on every order?

We started experiencing this glitch with FedEx labels on July 8th or 9th.

user profile

hi i ran into this same issue today with amazon asking me for contact number while its clearly in the shipping settings

Did anyone ever had this issue resolved?

Please advise

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user profile
Is this blocking you from being able to create shipments?
View post

It is blocking me from buying FedEx labels for our FBM (MFN) orders.

user profile
Are you not able to create new locations, or is the issue that you can create locations but then need to request workarounds?
View post

We can create new locations. I just created one called Support Please Help Fix This. I made Support Please Help Fix This our Default location. This new location has the FedEx No Phone Number in Ship From glitch like all the others except for the magically appeared duplicate location. Only the magically appeared Duplicate location allows me to purchase a FedEx shipping label.

I wish we could "Hide" images like in the old forum so they do not take up so much space. Here are the images.


No FedEx above in the original CHIPS and GAMES location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Roswell location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Atlanta location.


Brand new location above created today and set as default does not provide FedEx either. This location is called Support Please Help Fix This.

And here is the error message or grayed out area in Buy Shipping.


user profile

user profile
This is the same temporary solution that was previously implemented for one of your locations.
View post

Temporary may not be the correct word. Temporary normally means a short time. Does your "Partner Team" have any idea when they can fix this glitch? Or, are they still scratching their heads and can't figure out what went wrong?

2+moths seems odd to not fix something.

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj and all other sellers experiencing this issue:

I am continuing to report this issue to our partner team. That team is currently working on a larger fix to the FedEx new location 'phone number is required' issue and I will provide updates as I receive them.

In the meantime, that team will continue to provide individual workaround fixes. I requested fixes for @Seller_Zw8LsZUQSH440 @Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP and @Seller_vsp8XITWOSICB.


New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (June)

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (Sept)

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In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you, @KJ_Amazon!

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you - how will we know if the fix was applied to our account?

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

When will we receive this fix\workaround ??? still not able to purchase fedex labels . help please

user profile

You should see a duplicate entry for the new location(s).

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

It is fixed for us today, 09/26/2024.

FedEx appears under all my locations today. The duplicate locations have also been removed. I only see the 3 locations which I created.

Thank you for the help @KJ_Amazon and having the glitch fixed.

Side note @KJ_Amazon, I am not sure if you may be able to lend a hand to a friend in another topic.

user profile

@KJ_Amazon we can confirm that this is working now on our end as well. Thank you very much for your help on this!

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO

Thanks for those updates. I am glad the team was able to apply the fix, and I will continue to check in for updates on the larger fix in progress.

@Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP Was your issue also corrected?

As for your friend @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO, they may want to ask that question in the Manage Your Brand category, or separate their questions out into grouped topics.

user profile

We are having the same issue. There was a temporary fix described in the thread below that seemed to be successful for other sellers -

"Our team is aware of this issue and is working on implementing a solution. In the meantime, a temporary solution has been put in place. When you select a Ship From location you will see a duplicate option for the newly entered locations. One of these has the correct contact info and can be used to buy Fedex labels while the other will still show the "Phone number is required" message."

We have requested to have this same temporary fix administered to our account via Case ID 16003420531. Please advise as quickly as possible.

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Hi @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj,

I see this case is still being researched but KJ and I will keep an eye on it and update if we hear before you do. I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations and feel free to reply below if there are further developments.


user profile

Hi @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj,

I see this case is still being researched but KJ and I will keep an eye on it and update if we hear before you do. I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations and feel free to reply below if there are further developments.


user profile

@SEAmod@Rose_Amazon @priscilla_amazon Adding additional mods, we need help on this, PLEASE. There are now multiple posts from multiple sellers.

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@SEAmod@Rose_Amazon @priscilla_amazon Adding additional mods, we need help on this, PLEASE. There are now multiple posts from multiple sellers.

user profile

Did anyone find a way to lock in the duplicate Ship From location as default so I do not have to change the Ship From on every order?

We started experiencing this glitch with FedEx labels on July 8th or 9th.

user profile

Did anyone find a way to lock in the duplicate Ship From location as default so I do not have to change the Ship From on every order?

We started experiencing this glitch with FedEx labels on July 8th or 9th.

user profile

hi i ran into this same issue today with amazon asking me for contact number while its clearly in the shipping settings

Did anyone ever had this issue resolved?

Please advise

user profile

hi i ran into this same issue today with amazon asking me for contact number while its clearly in the shipping settings

Did anyone ever had this issue resolved?

Please advise

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user profile
Is this blocking you from being able to create shipments?
View post

It is blocking me from buying FedEx labels for our FBM (MFN) orders.

user profile
Are you not able to create new locations, or is the issue that you can create locations but then need to request workarounds?
View post

We can create new locations. I just created one called Support Please Help Fix This. I made Support Please Help Fix This our Default location. This new location has the FedEx No Phone Number in Ship From glitch like all the others except for the magically appeared duplicate location. Only the magically appeared Duplicate location allows me to purchase a FedEx shipping label.

I wish we could "Hide" images like in the old forum so they do not take up so much space. Here are the images.


No FedEx above in the original CHIPS and GAMES location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Roswell location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Atlanta location.


Brand new location above created today and set as default does not provide FedEx either. This location is called Support Please Help Fix This.

And here is the error message or grayed out area in Buy Shipping.


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user profile
Is this blocking you from being able to create shipments?
View post

It is blocking me from buying FedEx labels for our FBM (MFN) orders.

user profile
Are you not able to create new locations, or is the issue that you can create locations but then need to request workarounds?
View post

We can create new locations. I just created one called Support Please Help Fix This. I made Support Please Help Fix This our Default location. This new location has the FedEx No Phone Number in Ship From glitch like all the others except for the magically appeared duplicate location. Only the magically appeared Duplicate location allows me to purchase a FedEx shipping label.

I wish we could "Hide" images like in the old forum so they do not take up so much space. Here are the images.


No FedEx above in the original CHIPS and GAMES location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Roswell location.


No FedEx in the above CHIPS and GAMES Atlanta location.


Brand new location above created today and set as default does not provide FedEx either. This location is called Support Please Help Fix This.

And here is the error message or grayed out area in Buy Shipping.


user profile

user profile
This is the same temporary solution that was previously implemented for one of your locations.
View post

Temporary may not be the correct word. Temporary normally means a short time. Does your "Partner Team" have any idea when they can fix this glitch? Or, are they still scratching their heads and can't figure out what went wrong?

2+moths seems odd to not fix something.

user profile

user profile
This is the same temporary solution that was previously implemented for one of your locations.
View post

Temporary may not be the correct word. Temporary normally means a short time. Does your "Partner Team" have any idea when they can fix this glitch? Or, are they still scratching their heads and can't figure out what went wrong?

2+moths seems odd to not fix something.

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj and all other sellers experiencing this issue:

I am continuing to report this issue to our partner team. That team is currently working on a larger fix to the FedEx new location 'phone number is required' issue and I will provide updates as I receive them.

In the meantime, that team will continue to provide individual workaround fixes. I requested fixes for @Seller_Zw8LsZUQSH440 @Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP and @Seller_vsp8XITWOSICB.


New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (June)

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (Sept)

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj and all other sellers experiencing this issue:

I am continuing to report this issue to our partner team. That team is currently working on a larger fix to the FedEx new location 'phone number is required' issue and I will provide updates as I receive them.

In the meantime, that team will continue to provide individual workaround fixes. I requested fixes for @Seller_Zw8LsZUQSH440 @Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP and @Seller_vsp8XITWOSICB.


New Location Buy Shipping Fedex Not Working

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (June)

FedEx not available for buy shipping after adding a new address (Sept)

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you, @KJ_Amazon!

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you, @KJ_Amazon!

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you - how will we know if the fix was applied to our account?

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

Thank you - how will we know if the fix was applied to our account?

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

When will we receive this fix\workaround ??? still not able to purchase fedex labels . help please

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

When will we receive this fix\workaround ??? still not able to purchase fedex labels . help please

user profile

You should see a duplicate entry for the new location(s).

user profile

You should see a duplicate entry for the new location(s).

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

It is fixed for us today, 09/26/2024.

FedEx appears under all my locations today. The duplicate locations have also been removed. I only see the 3 locations which I created.

Thank you for the help @KJ_Amazon and having the glitch fixed.

Side note @KJ_Amazon, I am not sure if you may be able to lend a hand to a friend in another topic.

user profile
In reply to: KJ_Amazon's post

It is fixed for us today, 09/26/2024.

FedEx appears under all my locations today. The duplicate locations have also been removed. I only see the 3 locations which I created.

Thank you for the help @KJ_Amazon and having the glitch fixed.

Side note @KJ_Amazon, I am not sure if you may be able to lend a hand to a friend in another topic.

user profile

@KJ_Amazon we can confirm that this is working now on our end as well. Thank you very much for your help on this!

user profile

@KJ_Amazon we can confirm that this is working now on our end as well. Thank you very much for your help on this!

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO

Thanks for those updates. I am glad the team was able to apply the fix, and I will continue to check in for updates on the larger fix in progress.

@Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP Was your issue also corrected?

As for your friend @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO, they may want to ask that question in the Manage Your Brand category, or separate their questions out into grouped topics.

user profile

Hello @Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO

Thanks for those updates. I am glad the team was able to apply the fix, and I will continue to check in for updates on the larger fix in progress.

@Seller_gWPm5gDMTnlxP Was your issue also corrected?

As for your friend @Seller_Iq8G0IA7I69uO, they may want to ask that question in the Manage Your Brand category, or separate their questions out into grouped topics.

user profile

We are having the same issue. There was a temporary fix described in the thread below that seemed to be successful for other sellers -

"Our team is aware of this issue and is working on implementing a solution. In the meantime, a temporary solution has been put in place. When you select a Ship From location you will see a duplicate option for the newly entered locations. One of these has the correct contact info and can be used to buy Fedex labels while the other will still show the "Phone number is required" message."

We have requested to have this same temporary fix administered to our account via Case ID 16003420531. Please advise as quickly as possible.

user profile

We are having the same issue. There was a temporary fix described in the thread below that seemed to be successful for other sellers -

"Our team is aware of this issue and is working on implementing a solution. In the meantime, a temporary solution has been put in place. When you select a Ship From location you will see a duplicate option for the newly entered locations. One of these has the correct contact info and can be used to buy Fedex labels while the other will still show the "Phone number is required" message."

We have requested to have this same temporary fix administered to our account via Case ID 16003420531. Please advise as quickly as possible.

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