Please assist us with negative feedback posted for wrong seller/item.
The buyer posted negative feedback for a completely different item (coffee), but their one and only shipment from us is for underwear. The buyer stated that they received one blend of coffee, when they should have received another blend. The order # is 113-7967444-2101803.
We have a CASE ID #16003425561 Could you please kindly assist us with this issue. Thank you.
Good Evening @Seller_YYrzhH2k18lu2,
I have escalated the case associated to the 1 star review left on your ASIN due to it possibly being for the wrong product to our feedback team. I cannot guarantee the product feedback will get removed but it doesn't hurt to get a second pair of eyes to take a look the situation. The team should get back to us within the next few business days. I look forward to following up with you soon. Until then, have a good weekend.
Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon