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Quick Tip: Product Images

Hello Sellers!

A first impression can only be made once which is why it’s important to have great product images! Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product and can influence their buying decisions. Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and we recommend you provide six images.

The first image on the product detail page is the "MAIN" image and is shown to customers in search. The MAIN image must show only the product for sale on a white background, and the product should fill the image frame. Additional images should show the product in use or in an environment, different angles and different features.

Here are some tips and requirements for product images.

  • All images must accurately represent the product that is for sale.
  • The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  • Images must not be blurry, pixelated or have jagged edges.
  • MAIN images must not include text, logos, borders, colour blocks, watermarks or other graphics over the top of a product or in the background.
  • MAIN images must show products outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags or cases should not appear in the image unless they are an important product feature.
  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) is preferred file format but TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png) or GIF (.gif) are also accepted. Please be aware that our servers do not support animated gifs.

Check out the Product image requirements help page for more details.

Do you have any image editing tips you would like to share with other sellers?

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Quick Tip: Product Images

Hello Sellers!

A first impression can only be made once which is why it’s important to have great product images! Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product and can influence their buying decisions. Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and we recommend you provide six images.

The first image on the product detail page is the "MAIN" image and is shown to customers in search. The MAIN image must show only the product for sale on a white background, and the product should fill the image frame. Additional images should show the product in use or in an environment, different angles and different features.

Here are some tips and requirements for product images.

  • All images must accurately represent the product that is for sale.
  • The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  • Images must not be blurry, pixelated or have jagged edges.
  • MAIN images must not include text, logos, borders, colour blocks, watermarks or other graphics over the top of a product or in the background.
  • MAIN images must show products outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags or cases should not appear in the image unless they are an important product feature.
  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) is preferred file format but TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png) or GIF (.gif) are also accepted. Please be aware that our servers do not support animated gifs.

Check out the Product image requirements help page for more details.

Do you have any image editing tips you would like to share with other sellers?

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It would be great if Amazon actually let it's sellers edit the images on listings so that they can get fixed up, cleaned up, etc.

Even after uploading a product image that meets those requirements, it says it will take the edit into consideration and update within 15 minutes.

This is due to other sellers incorrectly holding on to the listing with edit rights in Brand Registry that aren't actually owners of the brand.

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Quick Tip: Product Images

Hello Sellers!

A first impression can only be made once which is why it’s important to have great product images! Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product and can influence their buying decisions. Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and we recommend you provide six images.

The first image on the product detail page is the "MAIN" image and is shown to customers in search. The MAIN image must show only the product for sale on a white background, and the product should fill the image frame. Additional images should show the product in use or in an environment, different angles and different features.

Here are some tips and requirements for product images.

  • All images must accurately represent the product that is for sale.
  • The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  • Images must not be blurry, pixelated or have jagged edges.
  • MAIN images must not include text, logos, borders, colour blocks, watermarks or other graphics over the top of a product or in the background.
  • MAIN images must show products outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags or cases should not appear in the image unless they are an important product feature.
  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) is preferred file format but TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png) or GIF (.gif) are also accepted. Please be aware that our servers do not support animated gifs.

Check out the Product image requirements help page for more details.

Do you have any image editing tips you would like to share with other sellers?

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Quick Tip: Product Images

Hello Sellers!

A first impression can only be made once which is why it’s important to have great product images! Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product and can influence their buying decisions. Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and we recommend you provide six images.

The first image on the product detail page is the "MAIN" image and is shown to customers in search. The MAIN image must show only the product for sale on a white background, and the product should fill the image frame. Additional images should show the product in use or in an environment, different angles and different features.

Here are some tips and requirements for product images.

  • All images must accurately represent the product that is for sale.
  • The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  • Images must not be blurry, pixelated or have jagged edges.
  • MAIN images must not include text, logos, borders, colour blocks, watermarks or other graphics over the top of a product or in the background.
  • MAIN images must show products outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags or cases should not appear in the image unless they are an important product feature.
  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) is preferred file format but TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png) or GIF (.gif) are also accepted. Please be aware that our servers do not support animated gifs.

Check out the Product image requirements help page for more details.

Do you have any image editing tips you would like to share with other sellers?

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Quick Tip: Product Images

by Jessica_Amazon_

Hello Sellers!

A first impression can only be made once which is why it’s important to have great product images! Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product and can influence their buying decisions. Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and we recommend you provide six images.

The first image on the product detail page is the "MAIN" image and is shown to customers in search. The MAIN image must show only the product for sale on a white background, and the product should fill the image frame. Additional images should show the product in use or in an environment, different angles and different features.

Here are some tips and requirements for product images.

  • All images must accurately represent the product that is for sale.
  • The product must fill at least 85% of the image.
  • Images must not be blurry, pixelated or have jagged edges.
  • MAIN images must not include text, logos, borders, colour blocks, watermarks or other graphics over the top of a product or in the background.
  • MAIN images must show products outside of their packaging. Boxes, bags or cases should not appear in the image unless they are an important product feature.
  • JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) is preferred file format but TIFF (.tif), PNG(.png) or GIF (.gif) are also accepted. Please be aware that our servers do not support animated gifs.

Check out the Product image requirements help page for more details.

Do you have any image editing tips you would like to share with other sellers?

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It would be great if Amazon actually let it's sellers edit the images on listings so that they can get fixed up, cleaned up, etc.

Even after uploading a product image that meets those requirements, it says it will take the edit into consideration and update within 15 minutes.

This is due to other sellers incorrectly holding on to the listing with edit rights in Brand Registry that aren't actually owners of the brand.

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It would be great if Amazon actually let it's sellers edit the images on listings so that they can get fixed up, cleaned up, etc.

Even after uploading a product image that meets those requirements, it says it will take the edit into consideration and update within 15 minutes.

This is due to other sellers incorrectly holding on to the listing with edit rights in Brand Registry that aren't actually owners of the brand.

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It would be great if Amazon actually let it's sellers edit the images on listings so that they can get fixed up, cleaned up, etc.

Even after uploading a product image that meets those requirements, it says it will take the edit into consideration and update within 15 minutes.

This is due to other sellers incorrectly holding on to the listing with edit rights in Brand Registry that aren't actually owners of the brand.

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