Look for solution to the immovable Amazon logic from seasoned sellers
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Look for solution to the immovable Amazon logic from seasoned sellers

I had a customer purchase 10 individual cables instead of the cheaper 10 pack. They returned the cables saying the monitors came with cables so I do not need these.

Fine, however Amazon considers this 10 individual returns and will effect my sales when the "frequently returned badge appears. It is not uncommon for this same scenario to play out over and over.

If a customer purchases 100 individual cables instead of the 100 pack and returns for reasons not related to the seller or the product this will kills sales for no good reason. I contend this scenario should be considered one return not 10 or 100

What are you seasoned sellers doing to prevent this from happening instead of opening a case that they will "listen" to but not "hear"?

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I am not too surprised that even seasoned sellers see the futility of moving Amazon from their logic

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Commenting so other sellers can see and chime in as well, for reference here is what you can do to avoid the badge in the future:

Avoiding the frequently-returned item badge from your ASIN

Amazon will be monitoring return rate and automatically remove the badge once return rate approaches the suggested return rate. Note that the suggested return rate refreshes periodically, and may change over time.

However, we understand that improvements take time, so we periodically review ASIN return rates and may remove the badge earlier if we see a consistent downward trend in returns, even if the return rate hasn't yet reached the suggested return rate.

There are many actions you can take to address the return rate for an item, such as reviewing the information on your detail pages to ensure descriptions, images and size charts are accurate. Also ensuring that products are high quality, free from defects or damage, and well packaged.

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