Read onlyYes, this is really happening! In 2022 I engaged a VA from a country far away to “repair” my variations. He was not able to do it, and I gave him 3,8 of 5 stars. As a thank you HE put to MY listing a malicious 1 star. Today, two years later, Amazon detected his behavior and removed the review. If he owns a seller account, this one will be suspended forever. Thank you AI!
Wow, only 2 years for the AI to figure it out!
I've stayed away from VAs. Too many things can go wrong, from supposedly "5 star" VAs outsourcing to incompetent newbies, to the outright sabotage you experienced.
How do you know the review is related to the 2022 VA? I get those emails from Amazon a few times per year.
For every good thing that Amazon does Amazon does a thousand horrible things.
I got one of these a while back.
Did not apply to any of my current listings.