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Is this Amazon email real? Listing Updates Pending, Review by September 23, 2024

I received this email from Amazon Catalog Services <> Did anyone else recieve it? is it real? How is (AI) going to know what is best for our product?

Hello from the Amazon Catalog Team!

We are introducing a new program to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate richer product listings. We recommend changing some content in the listings for products that are in your Brand’s catalog. We have not yet published the recommended content. As you are registered as a Brand Representative for the ASIN(s), we ask that you review the AI-enriched content and provide feedback (agree or disagree) by the scheduled date of publication September 23, 2024. If you tell us that you disagree with the proposed updates, the existing content will remain and we will not publish the recommended updates. If you do not take any action by September 23, 2024, the recommended updates will be published.

To review these recommended updates, log into Seller Central and visit, or click the button below.

Review changes

If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value.


Amazon Catalog Services

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Is this Amazon email real? Listing Updates Pending, Review by September 23, 2024

I received this email from Amazon Catalog Services <> Did anyone else recieve it? is it real? How is (AI) going to know what is best for our product?

Hello from the Amazon Catalog Team!

We are introducing a new program to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate richer product listings. We recommend changing some content in the listings for products that are in your Brand’s catalog. We have not yet published the recommended content. As you are registered as a Brand Representative for the ASIN(s), we ask that you review the AI-enriched content and provide feedback (agree or disagree) by the scheduled date of publication September 23, 2024. If you tell us that you disagree with the proposed updates, the existing content will remain and we will not publish the recommended updates. If you do not take any action by September 23, 2024, the recommended updates will be published.

To review these recommended updates, log into Seller Central and visit, or click the button below.

Review changes

If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value.


Amazon Catalog Services

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The page this links to says "We are piloting a new program." Leave it to Amazon to not know the difference between beta and production.

Even worse, the email is otherwise insufficient. It's not enough to disagree with the ham-f*sted changes. After uploading fixes, you see this: "In case of any missing information, you may notice the status revert to Feedback Pending." Which means you might have to make make changes after the deadline, because "missing" is in the eye of the beholder, and Amazon is going to rely on the same carppy automation they used to create these changes to vet them. I'm just thankful I don't have thousands of listings to have to weed through in two weeks.

And we all know how well THIS will go: "If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value."

Amazon: where in the heirarchy of Catalog Team, Amazon-as-seller, brand owner, page contributor, vendor central, support, etc. does "changed by AI" fit? Is it going to be impossible for even "internal teams" (which ignore or mis-answer most requests) to unfrack these changes?

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It's bad enough that we all have to waste our time now training Amazon's AI with this, but the form doesn't even work the way the directions say it does. There is no option for "propose alternate value" in any of the dropdowns on the form we received, and the column with that heading where you might be able to enter something is blacked out and can't be used. So what is the point, please? Go ahead and have your AI answer, Amazon, just like you do for most of your seller help.

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OK before, they just made the changes and didn't tell anyone. I have spent hours upon hours reviewing the "details" of every listing and making case after case when they decided my handmade wood product had Material Plastic on it. It was so difficult to get them to remove that wrong information. So the whole "AI" thing is just a trendy term for the same bots they have been using.

This new setup lets you review the changes BEFORE they are made. It is so much better to say "No! Do NOT change the material to plastic!" than try to fight it after they do.

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Agree, it is Bots that can screw things up at an even higher level than before. I have had entire ASINs converted and my SEO data wiped out, not to mention sales history being eradicated.

They decided my cosmetic products contain "active ingredients" and started showing it on my detail pages, a complete and total violation of FDA rules for cosmetics.

These bots are not just out of control, they are dangerous and create liability for sellers. When the information that they randomly change without telling us is wrong, guess who is responsible? hint: not the bots

Amazon becomes more and more of an adversary than a partner every month.

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The email is real. It may help you fill in the missing details. But I think that Amazon robots are more likely to mess up the listing, and no one can change it back.

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Is this Amazon email real? Listing Updates Pending, Review by September 23, 2024

I received this email from Amazon Catalog Services <> Did anyone else recieve it? is it real? How is (AI) going to know what is best for our product?

Hello from the Amazon Catalog Team!

We are introducing a new program to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate richer product listings. We recommend changing some content in the listings for products that are in your Brand’s catalog. We have not yet published the recommended content. As you are registered as a Brand Representative for the ASIN(s), we ask that you review the AI-enriched content and provide feedback (agree or disagree) by the scheduled date of publication September 23, 2024. If you tell us that you disagree with the proposed updates, the existing content will remain and we will not publish the recommended updates. If you do not take any action by September 23, 2024, the recommended updates will be published.

To review these recommended updates, log into Seller Central and visit, or click the button below.

Review changes

If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value.


Amazon Catalog Services

7 replies
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Is this Amazon email real? Listing Updates Pending, Review by September 23, 2024

I received this email from Amazon Catalog Services <> Did anyone else recieve it? is it real? How is (AI) going to know what is best for our product?

Hello from the Amazon Catalog Team!

We are introducing a new program to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate richer product listings. We recommend changing some content in the listings for products that are in your Brand’s catalog. We have not yet published the recommended content. As you are registered as a Brand Representative for the ASIN(s), we ask that you review the AI-enriched content and provide feedback (agree or disagree) by the scheduled date of publication September 23, 2024. If you tell us that you disagree with the proposed updates, the existing content will remain and we will not publish the recommended updates. If you do not take any action by September 23, 2024, the recommended updates will be published.

To review these recommended updates, log into Seller Central and visit, or click the button below.

Review changes

If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value.


Amazon Catalog Services

7 replies
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Is this Amazon email real? Listing Updates Pending, Review by September 23, 2024

by Seller_fuYxWeUGu0dIM

I received this email from Amazon Catalog Services <> Did anyone else recieve it? is it real? How is (AI) going to know what is best for our product?

Hello from the Amazon Catalog Team!

We are introducing a new program to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate richer product listings. We recommend changing some content in the listings for products that are in your Brand’s catalog. We have not yet published the recommended content. As you are registered as a Brand Representative for the ASIN(s), we ask that you review the AI-enriched content and provide feedback (agree or disagree) by the scheduled date of publication September 23, 2024. If you tell us that you disagree with the proposed updates, the existing content will remain and we will not publish the recommended updates. If you do not take any action by September 23, 2024, the recommended updates will be published.

To review these recommended updates, log into Seller Central and visit, or click the button below.

Review changes

If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value.


Amazon Catalog Services

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The page this links to says "We are piloting a new program." Leave it to Amazon to not know the difference between beta and production.

Even worse, the email is otherwise insufficient. It's not enough to disagree with the ham-f*sted changes. After uploading fixes, you see this: "In case of any missing information, you may notice the status revert to Feedback Pending." Which means you might have to make make changes after the deadline, because "missing" is in the eye of the beholder, and Amazon is going to rely on the same carppy automation they used to create these changes to vet them. I'm just thankful I don't have thousands of listings to have to weed through in two weeks.

And we all know how well THIS will go: "If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value."

Amazon: where in the heirarchy of Catalog Team, Amazon-as-seller, brand owner, page contributor, vendor central, support, etc. does "changed by AI" fit? Is it going to be impossible for even "internal teams" (which ignore or mis-answer most requests) to unfrack these changes?

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It's bad enough that we all have to waste our time now training Amazon's AI with this, but the form doesn't even work the way the directions say it does. There is no option for "propose alternate value" in any of the dropdowns on the form we received, and the column with that heading where you might be able to enter something is blacked out and can't be used. So what is the point, please? Go ahead and have your AI answer, Amazon, just like you do for most of your seller help.

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OK before, they just made the changes and didn't tell anyone. I have spent hours upon hours reviewing the "details" of every listing and making case after case when they decided my handmade wood product had Material Plastic on it. It was so difficult to get them to remove that wrong information. So the whole "AI" thing is just a trendy term for the same bots they have been using.

This new setup lets you review the changes BEFORE they are made. It is so much better to say "No! Do NOT change the material to plastic!" than try to fight it after they do.

user profile

Agree, it is Bots that can screw things up at an even higher level than before. I have had entire ASINs converted and my SEO data wiped out, not to mention sales history being eradicated.

They decided my cosmetic products contain "active ingredients" and started showing it on my detail pages, a complete and total violation of FDA rules for cosmetics.

These bots are not just out of control, they are dangerous and create liability for sellers. When the information that they randomly change without telling us is wrong, guess who is responsible? hint: not the bots

Amazon becomes more and more of an adversary than a partner every month.

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The email is real. It may help you fill in the missing details. But I think that Amazon robots are more likely to mess up the listing, and no one can change it back.

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The page this links to says "We are piloting a new program." Leave it to Amazon to not know the difference between beta and production.

Even worse, the email is otherwise insufficient. It's not enough to disagree with the ham-f*sted changes. After uploading fixes, you see this: "In case of any missing information, you may notice the status revert to Feedback Pending." Which means you might have to make make changes after the deadline, because "missing" is in the eye of the beholder, and Amazon is going to rely on the same carppy automation they used to create these changes to vet them. I'm just thankful I don't have thousands of listings to have to weed through in two weeks.

And we all know how well THIS will go: "If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value."

Amazon: where in the heirarchy of Catalog Team, Amazon-as-seller, brand owner, page contributor, vendor central, support, etc. does "changed by AI" fit? Is it going to be impossible for even "internal teams" (which ignore or mis-answer most requests) to unfrack these changes?

user profile

The page this links to says "We are piloting a new program." Leave it to Amazon to not know the difference between beta and production.

Even worse, the email is otherwise insufficient. It's not enough to disagree with the ham-f*sted changes. After uploading fixes, you see this: "In case of any missing information, you may notice the status revert to Feedback Pending." Which means you might have to make make changes after the deadline, because "missing" is in the eye of the beholder, and Amazon is going to rely on the same carppy automation they used to create these changes to vet them. I'm just thankful I don't have thousands of listings to have to weed through in two weeks.

And we all know how well THIS will go: "If you are dissatisfied with any listing changes published after September 23, 2024, you can use Contact us on Seller Central to request removal of AI updated value."

Amazon: where in the heirarchy of Catalog Team, Amazon-as-seller, brand owner, page contributor, vendor central, support, etc. does "changed by AI" fit? Is it going to be impossible for even "internal teams" (which ignore or mis-answer most requests) to unfrack these changes?

user profile

It's bad enough that we all have to waste our time now training Amazon's AI with this, but the form doesn't even work the way the directions say it does. There is no option for "propose alternate value" in any of the dropdowns on the form we received, and the column with that heading where you might be able to enter something is blacked out and can't be used. So what is the point, please? Go ahead and have your AI answer, Amazon, just like you do for most of your seller help.

user profile

It's bad enough that we all have to waste our time now training Amazon's AI with this, but the form doesn't even work the way the directions say it does. There is no option for "propose alternate value" in any of the dropdowns on the form we received, and the column with that heading where you might be able to enter something is blacked out and can't be used. So what is the point, please? Go ahead and have your AI answer, Amazon, just like you do for most of your seller help.

user profile

OK before, they just made the changes and didn't tell anyone. I have spent hours upon hours reviewing the "details" of every listing and making case after case when they decided my handmade wood product had Material Plastic on it. It was so difficult to get them to remove that wrong information. So the whole "AI" thing is just a trendy term for the same bots they have been using.

This new setup lets you review the changes BEFORE they are made. It is so much better to say "No! Do NOT change the material to plastic!" than try to fight it after they do.

user profile

OK before, they just made the changes and didn't tell anyone. I have spent hours upon hours reviewing the "details" of every listing and making case after case when they decided my handmade wood product had Material Plastic on it. It was so difficult to get them to remove that wrong information. So the whole "AI" thing is just a trendy term for the same bots they have been using.

This new setup lets you review the changes BEFORE they are made. It is so much better to say "No! Do NOT change the material to plastic!" than try to fight it after they do.

user profile

Agree, it is Bots that can screw things up at an even higher level than before. I have had entire ASINs converted and my SEO data wiped out, not to mention sales history being eradicated.

They decided my cosmetic products contain "active ingredients" and started showing it on my detail pages, a complete and total violation of FDA rules for cosmetics.

These bots are not just out of control, they are dangerous and create liability for sellers. When the information that they randomly change without telling us is wrong, guess who is responsible? hint: not the bots

Amazon becomes more and more of an adversary than a partner every month.

user profile

Agree, it is Bots that can screw things up at an even higher level than before. I have had entire ASINs converted and my SEO data wiped out, not to mention sales history being eradicated.

They decided my cosmetic products contain "active ingredients" and started showing it on my detail pages, a complete and total violation of FDA rules for cosmetics.

These bots are not just out of control, they are dangerous and create liability for sellers. When the information that they randomly change without telling us is wrong, guess who is responsible? hint: not the bots

Amazon becomes more and more of an adversary than a partner every month.

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The email is real. It may help you fill in the missing details. But I think that Amazon robots are more likely to mess up the listing, and no one can change it back.

user profile

The email is real. It may help you fill in the missing details. But I think that Amazon robots are more likely to mess up the listing, and no one can change it back.

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