Why Amazon you are killing handmade business with the handling time mess.


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Why Amazon you are killing handmade business with the handling time mess.

Is there anyway around this crazy email I just got:

Your account has a gap of two days or more between your set handling time and your actual handling time. You can choose to close this gap by manually setting an accurate handling time on your account and SKUs or by enabling automated handling time.

On September 25, 2024, your handling time gap will be measured, and if it remains above two days as per our policy for on-time delivery, you will be auto-enrolled into having automated handling time enabled and will no longer be able to disable automated handling time. To learn more about how your handling time gap is calculated, go to Fulfillment Insight dashboard.

I am a one woman shop and I have a buffer in place for emergencies or sometimes I simply have to make the item. Amazon is punishing me for shipping early and there are times I just can't.

Mods please tell them to let handmade people have a say in when we ship. We know our business better than they do.

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Tags:Account Health, Seller Support
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I just got this message too, I am so upset right now. I ship twice a week so I set my handling to 3 days and haven't had an issue with this timeframe and prefer to keep it at 3 days. Yes many items get shipped sooner than the 3 days for handling, but I require it to stay at 3 days.

Also the post office has closed twice in the last 3 months for 2-3 days due to unforeseeable natural disasters, which has caused my packages to be scanned in late.

I don't want my handling times to change, due to having to work outside of the house I can't just make and ship my items everyday!

It looks like I will have to make the items on the days I have scheduled for them and mail them on the day they are scheduled to go out... how stupid.

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Hello @Seller_dVMKJ8a3J9Tx5 and @Seller_2GTY58KCEti9n

Automated handling time will calculate handling time for all your SKUs based on historical data for how long you have taken to ship an order from the time you received it.

However, you can request an exception to set handling time manually for custom-made, media, and heavy & bulky SKUs. To request an exception of your handling time, contact Selling Partner Support.

I shared your feedback with our partner team, as well as feedback from other Handmade/Custom sellers in these threads.


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I tried to get an exception -- it cannot be done!

I sent the following to Handmade Seller Support:

"Please issue an exception to the auto handling time as described in the following Amazon documentation:

For certain product categories (Custom-made, media, and heavy and bulky SKUs), you have the flexibility to request an exception to manually set a SKU-specific handling time that will override what AHT has configured. To request an exception of your handling time, please contact Selling Partner Support and ask them to create a ticket for you to have a handling time exception. We recommend doing this for SKUs where your handling time may be very unpredictable and using your history may be inaccurate.

All of my listings (products) are custom made and need manually determined handing time."

I received the following reply:

Case ID: 15734585791

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

"Thank you for reaching out to us.

My name is Leonor and it will be a pleasure to personally assist you today on your request.

As per your correspondence, I understand that you contacted us regarding an exception to the auto handling time. It will be a pleasure to assist you.

In this case, we do not have a path to request an exemption yet.

We do recommend you to be aware of your Fulfillment Insight dashboard in the mean time.


It was a pleasure to assist you today."

Soooo. Even though Amazon says custom-made can have an exception just contact seller support, seller support says they can't do it.

Going in circles!!!!

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I guess amazon only wants big sellers with lots of employees reselling tons of items. Because it's a mess even on the regular side. Many of their sellers are smaller and can't work 24/7 but that's what the AHT is trying to do.

Many of my stickers are printed to order and like others I want to have a buffer since amazon gives us no leeway on late orders. Even 2 days is tight. Now they are taking away our leeway! Went through and deleted all my listings that don't sell often. Then increased handling time on ones I don't keep stock to 3 days. And will be shipping on the 3rd day. Another option is setting your max daily limit of orders. I put mine to 15 so if it goes over that it adds another day of handling time. Makes it needlessly more complicated.

This is craziness. I did prime exclusively for years but it became too unpredictable in sales and too many fees. Only have my best sellers there now. But they keep releasing wonderful updates to that so it gets worse all the time too. Rock (us) hard place.

It's our business not amazon's. If they want to treat me like an employee then I expect benefits and rights that go with it.

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Handmade should be entirely exempt.

It also isn't feasible to beg for an exemption on a SKU by SKU basis. I have 10K listings with more added all the time because they are designs I then make the product with the design after an order comes in.

Bottom line: I have my fulfillment time set for my business needs. Period. Amazon can show whatever it wants to potential customers but it doesn't change my time.

The logical fallacy in the policy is it assumes past data predicts future data. Maybe for some sellers, but not all, especially not in Handmade.

My business is highly variable. For instance, it can be 50 orders a day for a month then suddenly 500 orders in a day. It doesn't make any sense to set a handling time based on "historical" data because "historical" data is irrelevant to the 500 orders about to be "late".

I don't understand why this is so difficult for Amazon: it can show potential customers a projected delivery time based on historical data while simultaneously not penalizing sellers, or forcing them out of the marketplace.


For example: assume a Handmade seller has a 3 day fulfillment time to make a product that ships USPS with a projected 4 day shipping time.. The seller is faster during the slow summer but it takes the full 3 days during the busy Christmas season.

So in August when the seller is getting orders out in a day simply show customers a projected delivery time of 5-7 days. The five is based on currently getting the order out in a day plus the 4 day USPS time. This is accurate and doesn't penalize the Handmade seller who has a spike in orders, or has to take their pet to the hospital, and suddenly takes 3 days to make an order. Accurate information is still provided to the customer and the seller is not kicked out.

Bottom line is the the delivery time shown to customers is just an estimate anyway. There is no promise being made to customers of when an order ships. Just use the seller's fulfillment time to set one end of the range for estimated delivery and if the seller has been operating faster use that to set the other range of the estimate delivery.

Again, not sure why this is so difficult.

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For certain product categories (Custom-made, media, and heavy and bulky SKUs), you have the flexibility to request an exception to manually set a SKU-specific handling time that will override what AHT has configured.

To request an exception of your handling time, please contact Selling Partner Support and ask them to create a ticket for you to have a handling time exception. We recommend doing this for SKUs where your handling time may be very unpredictable and using your history may be inaccurate.

To learn more, see Manage your handling time.

If you are having problems getting that exception processed, please update this thread.

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Hello Handmade Sellers,

Thank you for giving us visibility of your concerns! The Handmade Business Team is already looking into it and will provide an update as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience while we work on it.

Best regards,


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Has HANDMADE ever received a definitive answer whether automated handling time overrides SKU level PRODUCTION TIME?

I have SKU LEVEL production times set anywhere from 2 to 7 days, depending on the complexity of the item being MADE.

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My account is set for next day ship and I cannot change it. It's very stressful.

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We sell personalized hand stamped product and usually can ship the next day if we have all the information we need. Often times we need to confirm the personalization from the customer before we can even start the order. That is why we need to set our production time for 3 - 4 days. An extra few days is very critical for us in order to avoid end up cancelling the orders or shipping the wrong customization and make the customers not happy. It will be helpful if the seller can adjust or postpone the ship date (like on other platform) if the customer does not response immediately.


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