FedEx Not Available Option for Buy Shipping
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FedEx Not Available Option for Buy Shipping

We're having issues with FedEx not being an option on any of our shipments in the Buy Shipping window.

Anyone else experiencing this?

4 replies
Tags:FedEx, Fulfillment, Shipping
4 replies
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@Seller_4UM8yjmyTV3Aj Thanks for the heads-up on that issue.

Some sellers reported issues selecting UPS this morning, but not FedEx.

Have you filed a support case with details I can check, and can you provide some more details?

Is FedEx was not appearing at all in the carrier filter, with all FedEx options showing as: "The selected shipping service cannot be purchased"?

Is FedEx appearing as eligible, but attempting to do so returning "Error occurred. Please try with a different delivery method"?

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