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Handmade Community

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Handmade Community

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What is the point of Amazon handmade

I'm in Amazon handmade. But I'm still struggling to understand the point of it.

Is the major difference just that we don't have to pay the $40 each month—as we would with a regular Amazon Seller account?

Or, that we don't need barcodes...? or what...


13 replies
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What is the point of Amazon handmade

I'm in Amazon handmade. But I'm still struggling to understand the point of it.

Is the major difference just that we don't have to pay the $40 each month—as we would with a regular Amazon Seller account?

Or, that we don't need barcodes...? or what...


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I am wondering why you do not know what the Amazon Handmade category is.

If is for artisans that make their own handcrafts and wish to sell them on Amazon.

Where does your art come from? Do you produce it? If you don't then you should be in the regular Amazon program.

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Well, seems obvious to me.

It is a category where customers seeking truly handmade products (we would assume made in the USA if on the US site) without having to weed through the millions of other items in their related categories.

Because of the uniqueness of this product category we receive special perks like more relaxed return rules, no pro fee, and a locked forum.

What else is there to "get"?

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post.another benefit of Handmade is you store cannot be hijacked because each listing belongs to the seller and any other seller can hijack your product/listing or even cannot sell it Used, Used as New or whatever other. Also, if you have a "brand" (product / package and sell it in other e-commerce) you can apply for Brand Registry Waiver with all benefits (except protect your Brand) and you don't need to pay anything.

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Hello @Seller_lXAOIrMzy2hXpand thanks for checking in with us in the Handmade Community.

@Seller_hfmMmH8f6bDeQ@Boutique and @Seller_tRnn7N3eh5UZValready gave you some great answers to why Amazon has a Handmade category and some of the benefits they get from the program.

I will include more of the benefits listed in our 'Handmade Hub below, but it would be great to hear from other Handmade sellers about the benefits they see as an approved artisan.


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What is the point of Amazon handmade

I'm in Amazon handmade. But I'm still struggling to understand the point of it.

Is the major difference just that we don't have to pay the $40 each month—as we would with a regular Amazon Seller account?

Or, that we don't need barcodes...? or what...


13 replies
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What is the point of Amazon handmade

I'm in Amazon handmade. But I'm still struggling to understand the point of it.

Is the major difference just that we don't have to pay the $40 each month—as we would with a regular Amazon Seller account?

Or, that we don't need barcodes...? or what...


13 replies
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What is the point of Amazon handmade

by Seller_lXAOIrMzy2hXp

I'm in Amazon handmade. But I'm still struggling to understand the point of it.

Is the major difference just that we don't have to pay the $40 each month—as we would with a regular Amazon Seller account?

Or, that we don't need barcodes...? or what...


13 replies
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I am wondering why you do not know what the Amazon Handmade category is.

If is for artisans that make their own handcrafts and wish to sell them on Amazon.

Where does your art come from? Do you produce it? If you don't then you should be in the regular Amazon program.

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Well, seems obvious to me.

It is a category where customers seeking truly handmade products (we would assume made in the USA if on the US site) without having to weed through the millions of other items in their related categories.

Because of the uniqueness of this product category we receive special perks like more relaxed return rules, no pro fee, and a locked forum.

What else is there to "get"?

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post.another benefit of Handmade is you store cannot be hijacked because each listing belongs to the seller and any other seller can hijack your product/listing or even cannot sell it Used, Used as New or whatever other. Also, if you have a "brand" (product / package and sell it in other e-commerce) you can apply for Brand Registry Waiver with all benefits (except protect your Brand) and you don't need to pay anything.

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Hello @Seller_lXAOIrMzy2hXpand thanks for checking in with us in the Handmade Community.

@Seller_hfmMmH8f6bDeQ@Boutique and @Seller_tRnn7N3eh5UZValready gave you some great answers to why Amazon has a Handmade category and some of the benefits they get from the program.

I will include more of the benefits listed in our 'Handmade Hub below, but it would be great to hear from other Handmade sellers about the benefits they see as an approved artisan.


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I am wondering why you do not know what the Amazon Handmade category is.

If is for artisans that make their own handcrafts and wish to sell them on Amazon.

Where does your art come from? Do you produce it? If you don't then you should be in the regular Amazon program.

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I am wondering why you do not know what the Amazon Handmade category is.

If is for artisans that make their own handcrafts and wish to sell them on Amazon.

Where does your art come from? Do you produce it? If you don't then you should be in the regular Amazon program.

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Well, seems obvious to me.

It is a category where customers seeking truly handmade products (we would assume made in the USA if on the US site) without having to weed through the millions of other items in their related categories.

Because of the uniqueness of this product category we receive special perks like more relaxed return rules, no pro fee, and a locked forum.

What else is there to "get"?

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Well, seems obvious to me.

It is a category where customers seeking truly handmade products (we would assume made in the USA if on the US site) without having to weed through the millions of other items in their related categories.

Because of the uniqueness of this product category we receive special perks like more relaxed return rules, no pro fee, and a locked forum.

What else is there to "get"?

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post.another benefit of Handmade is you store cannot be hijacked because each listing belongs to the seller and any other seller can hijack your product/listing or even cannot sell it Used, Used as New or whatever other. Also, if you have a "brand" (product / package and sell it in other e-commerce) you can apply for Brand Registry Waiver with all benefits (except protect your Brand) and you don't need to pay anything.

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post.another benefit of Handmade is you store cannot be hijacked because each listing belongs to the seller and any other seller can hijack your product/listing or even cannot sell it Used, Used as New or whatever other. Also, if you have a "brand" (product / package and sell it in other e-commerce) you can apply for Brand Registry Waiver with all benefits (except protect your Brand) and you don't need to pay anything.

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Hello @Seller_lXAOIrMzy2hXpand thanks for checking in with us in the Handmade Community.

@Seller_hfmMmH8f6bDeQ@Boutique and @Seller_tRnn7N3eh5UZValready gave you some great answers to why Amazon has a Handmade category and some of the benefits they get from the program.

I will include more of the benefits listed in our 'Handmade Hub below, but it would be great to hear from other Handmade sellers about the benefits they see as an approved artisan.


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Hello @Seller_lXAOIrMzy2hXpand thanks for checking in with us in the Handmade Community.

@Seller_hfmMmH8f6bDeQ@Boutique and @Seller_tRnn7N3eh5UZValready gave you some great answers to why Amazon has a Handmade category and some of the benefits they get from the program.

I will include more of the benefits listed in our 'Handmade Hub below, but it would be great to hear from other Handmade sellers about the benefits they see as an approved artisan.


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