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New Seller Community

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Letter of Compliance & Certificate of Analysis

Hello everyone,

I`m new on the Amazon and the listing that I have was removed due to the fact I was not aware that I need the Letter of Compliance from my manufacturer.

I`ve done also the lab tests to get a Certificate of Analysis to make sure that everything will be ok.

Now the main problem, according to an email, is that I have to solve it till 18th of March otherwise they will destroy the stock I have.

How can I extend this period.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me here.

Thank you

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Letter of Compliance & Certificate of Analysis

Hello everyone,

I`m new on the Amazon and the listing that I have was removed due to the fact I was not aware that I need the Letter of Compliance from my manufacturer.

I`ve done also the lab tests to get a Certificate of Analysis to make sure that everything will be ok.

Now the main problem, according to an email, is that I have to solve it till 18th of March otherwise they will destroy the stock I have.

How can I extend this period.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me here.

Thank you

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Hi there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here. In this instance, please reach out to Seller Support directly by following this link. Alternately, you could use the "Call me Now" button located in the top right hand corner on your 'Account Health' page in Seller Central. It looks like this:


When reaching out, be as specific as possible to what you are facing and the steps you are/have taken along with any timelines you have on your end ot have them completed.


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Letter of Compliance & Certificate of Analysis

Hello everyone,

I`m new on the Amazon and the listing that I have was removed due to the fact I was not aware that I need the Letter of Compliance from my manufacturer.

I`ve done also the lab tests to get a Certificate of Analysis to make sure that everything will be ok.

Now the main problem, according to an email, is that I have to solve it till 18th of March otherwise they will destroy the stock I have.

How can I extend this period.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me here.

Thank you

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Letter of Compliance & Certificate of Analysis

Hello everyone,

I`m new on the Amazon and the listing that I have was removed due to the fact I was not aware that I need the Letter of Compliance from my manufacturer.

I`ve done also the lab tests to get a Certificate of Analysis to make sure that everything will be ok.

Now the main problem, according to an email, is that I have to solve it till 18th of March otherwise they will destroy the stock I have.

How can I extend this period.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me here.

Thank you

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Letter of Compliance & Certificate of Analysis

by Seller_3vXQxgX6t0kSc

Hello everyone,

I`m new on the Amazon and the listing that I have was removed due to the fact I was not aware that I need the Letter of Compliance from my manufacturer.

I`ve done also the lab tests to get a Certificate of Analysis to make sure that everything will be ok.

Now the main problem, according to an email, is that I have to solve it till 18th of March otherwise they will destroy the stock I have.

How can I extend this period.

I would really appreciate if someone can help me here.

Thank you

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Hi there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here. In this instance, please reach out to Seller Support directly by following this link. Alternately, you could use the "Call me Now" button located in the top right hand corner on your 'Account Health' page in Seller Central. It looks like this:


When reaching out, be as specific as possible to what you are facing and the steps you are/have taken along with any timelines you have on your end ot have them completed.


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Hi there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here. In this instance, please reach out to Seller Support directly by following this link. Alternately, you could use the "Call me Now" button located in the top right hand corner on your 'Account Health' page in Seller Central. It looks like this:


When reaching out, be as specific as possible to what you are facing and the steps you are/have taken along with any timelines you have on your end ot have them completed.


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Hi there, my name is CR and wanted to hop in here. In this instance, please reach out to Seller Support directly by following this link. Alternately, you could use the "Call me Now" button located in the top right hand corner on your 'Account Health' page in Seller Central. It looks like this:


When reaching out, be as specific as possible to what you are facing and the steps you are/have taken along with any timelines you have on your end ot have them completed.


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