We have been Restricted from a Brand that we have been authorized to sell for over 4 years!!


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We have been Restricted from a Brand that we have been authorized to sell for over 4 years!!

Hi @Michelle_Amazon @Sandy_Amazon @Xander_Amazon @KJ_Amazon @Dougal_Amazon

I don't really know where else to turn.

The main issue is that we have been authorized and we were selling The Mattel brand Fisher Price for around 4 years. We were even authorized to create listings this year. We then got removed about a month ago which is really strange. Even more so that we were starting to compete with some of Amazon's prices. Now we are in-active and can't sell Fisher Price and we are not allowed to re-apply as Amazon are not accepting new applications. There are around 30 listings that we have been blocked from and to top it all off we are coming up to the busiest time of year. I have opened numerous cases and spoken to numerous amazon representatives that can only give the answer that we have to wait for applications to re-open even though we have been selling this brand for 4 years. I even have a representative send me an email that states it has nothing to do with our account so is it just random that you get blocked.

Do Amazon think that no one plans for this time of year. We have thousands and thousands of dollars worth of stock ready for this time of year and Amazon block you for absolutely no reason.

We have also been selling Mattel Brands like Fisher-Price, Barbie, aster of the universe Hot wheels etc and some are blocked and some are not even though they are all manufactured by Mattel, what a mess. We have an account with Mattel and have sent over all the information needed.

I would really like some clarity on this.



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Tags:Listing deactivated, Listings, Restricted Products
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Hi @Seller_VzGUgQKdM8Tej,

Amazon requires approval to sell in many categories, brands, and products and in some instances restrictions and policies change. While you may have been approved in the past, as the Amazon catalog grows, we continuously make new determinations on which products should be restricted, which is based on a number of factors. Amazon does this to ensure authenticity and customer satisfaction.

For this reason, you may be required to gain approval to sell certain products. You can see if there's an option to apply to sell through Seller Central, going to Catalog>Add a Product. Next, find the ASIN you would like to sell and then apply to sell if there is an option.

You will find more details about this using the resources below:

Restricted products

Products that require approval

Invoice requirements for when you apply to sell


- Manny

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Unfortunately, you won't win this battle. Amazon may have previously approved this listing but the actual brands did not approve this and have instructed Amazon to stop sellers from selling their licensed and trademarked items. Believe me, Amazon stopped you. It would be another story if you received a letter from Barbie suing you. All I can say is I bought a pallet name brand flashlights. I had been selling on amazon and low and behold, I was contacted by the companies lawyers who said take down the listings are else. The world is changing Guys.

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