Why does my itemshow over a week for delivery when i have sent my items into amazon FBA prime delivery
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Why does my itemshow over a week for delivery when i have sent my items into amazon FBA prime delivery

Hoping somebody can help me, I sent in my products to FBA which should have next day or at least 2 day prime delivery max, however i have checked my listing from my prime account and it is showing as delivery 1st/2nd of May and we are on 23.04.24 today I could ship the items faster from home i don't see the point of paying for my amazon account and all the FBA fees if they are going to take over a week for delivery and also lose me valuable business as no one would want to wait so long for deliver when similar products have prime delivery.

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If they are in the process of moving your stock delivery can show as being a little longer, That should only be temporary.

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