Read onlyWe created a case 6 months ago about missing items in our Inbound shipment.
We have provided the original invoices and proof of delivery to Amazon and was partially reimbursed for the missing items. We informed them that the there are still missing units for this shipment and requested for an update on the reimbursement. Aside from that, additional missing units were encountered after we created the case and made a dispute regarding this. After several follow ups, Amazon stopped responding to us. We even created new cases to but Amazon did not provide any resolution and ignored our emails..
Could an Amazon mod assist us on this? We have several missing units for this shipment.
Hello @Seller_1rnTkSGsLPxYk. Have you already opened a forums thread about this issue, or is this your first thread?
If this is your first thread, can you share the Case ID or other details?