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Creating Size Color variations for T-Shirts in April 2021

I used to create new listings with color-size variations easily; but now with new apparel size changes in amazon’s system I can’t figure out.
If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.
I need to fill out all 3 fields otherwise it does not let me create variation. If I enter values in both Size and also Shirt Size Value, then I get extra variations (ie: Black Medium Medium, Black Medium Large, Black Medium X-Large etc) Is there something wrong on Amazon’s side since this seems to be new? I tried reading the documentation on Amazon’s Help page but it does not help.

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Tags:Listings, Pricing
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I am having the same issue and I got extra variation. This new amazon size attributes for clothing is a bit confusing. Any help would be great.

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Ya I hate this new system for clothing! For “Value” though all I do is select “OneSize” but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

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If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.

I like a puzzle, so took a look at this even though I don’t sell apparel.

This is what I got from what I read.

“Size” and “Shirt Size Value” are the same thing.

In the old way (Size), you used to be able to type whatever size you wanted. In the new way (Shirt Size Value) you’re going to be forced to select it from a list. During the transition from old way to new way, both fields will still be visible, while sellers get used to choosing their sizes from a list instead of typing them manually.

I got that from this statement -
Will the existing “size” attribute still be available for listing experience?
Post the enforcement of new attributes, we will remove the existing “size” attribute from the listing experiences (Translation: Once everybody learns to do it the new way, we’ll remove the ‘size’ box completely). During the transition phase when both existing size attribute and new standardized apparel size attributes are available (ie both will be available to confuse the heck out of everyone while we transition, because we are Amazon and we believe that making things complex, confusing and convoluted is best), the values submitted through the standardized apparel size attributes will take precedence to generate the customer facing size value. (Choose the right items from the Shirt Size Value list because we’ll ignore what you enter as ‘Size’)

That is taken from the ‘Apparel Size Standardization Seller Guide’ found here -

So it seems like you should enter identical sizes for both Size and Shirt Size Value, then delete any variations that don’t match, like ‘Green Medium Large’. A listing for ‘Green Medium Medium’ would mean - the shirt is green, and done the old way, the size would be medium, and done the new way, the size is still medium. I think Amazon will then assume the shirt IS actually size medium.

Enter the sizes as you normally would in the ‘Size’ variations, but understand that ‘Size’ will eventually go away and only ‘Shirt Size Value’ will remain. You enter the exact same data (shirt size) for this field, the only difference is you’ll be forced to choose your sizes from a drop-down list rather than type them in by hand.


but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

There is. Read the PDF file above, and also check out this help page -

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The same issue since Apr 26… Cant add or update t-shirts with size-color variations. Amazon support dont really know how to deal with that, they answered with suggestion to add products via upload (also headache…)

To delete variations that dont match its not so good idea since I have now more than 500 variations in each product (instead of 100 that should be).

So I`m stuck with that and wait for amazon to fix the issue and all of us can continue adding products with variations…

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Watching …

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I meet the same question and that policy makes me mad. No matter what I choose, it always says no valid value. I think there must be a bug with this policy. Could anybody figure out how to finish the size issue?
Hope anybody could help. thanks

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Creating Size Color variations for T-Shirts in April 2021

I used to create new listings with color-size variations easily; but now with new apparel size changes in amazon’s system I can’t figure out.
If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.
I need to fill out all 3 fields otherwise it does not let me create variation. If I enter values in both Size and also Shirt Size Value, then I get extra variations (ie: Black Medium Medium, Black Medium Large, Black Medium X-Large etc) Is there something wrong on Amazon’s side since this seems to be new? I tried reading the documentation on Amazon’s Help page but it does not help.

11 replies
Tags:Listings, Pricing
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Creating Size Color variations for T-Shirts in April 2021

by Seller_VoAGfhjgdHvMy

I used to create new listings with color-size variations easily; but now with new apparel size changes in amazon’s system I can’t figure out.
If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.
I need to fill out all 3 fields otherwise it does not let me create variation. If I enter values in both Size and also Shirt Size Value, then I get extra variations (ie: Black Medium Medium, Black Medium Large, Black Medium X-Large etc) Is there something wrong on Amazon’s side since this seems to be new? I tried reading the documentation on Amazon’s Help page but it does not help.

Tags:Listings, Pricing
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I am having the same issue and I got extra variation. This new amazon size attributes for clothing is a bit confusing. Any help would be great.

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Ya I hate this new system for clothing! For “Value” though all I do is select “OneSize” but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

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If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.

I like a puzzle, so took a look at this even though I don’t sell apparel.

This is what I got from what I read.

“Size” and “Shirt Size Value” are the same thing.

In the old way (Size), you used to be able to type whatever size you wanted. In the new way (Shirt Size Value) you’re going to be forced to select it from a list. During the transition from old way to new way, both fields will still be visible, while sellers get used to choosing their sizes from a list instead of typing them manually.

I got that from this statement -
Will the existing “size” attribute still be available for listing experience?
Post the enforcement of new attributes, we will remove the existing “size” attribute from the listing experiences (Translation: Once everybody learns to do it the new way, we’ll remove the ‘size’ box completely). During the transition phase when both existing size attribute and new standardized apparel size attributes are available (ie both will be available to confuse the heck out of everyone while we transition, because we are Amazon and we believe that making things complex, confusing and convoluted is best), the values submitted through the standardized apparel size attributes will take precedence to generate the customer facing size value. (Choose the right items from the Shirt Size Value list because we’ll ignore what you enter as ‘Size’)

That is taken from the ‘Apparel Size Standardization Seller Guide’ found here -

So it seems like you should enter identical sizes for both Size and Shirt Size Value, then delete any variations that don’t match, like ‘Green Medium Large’. A listing for ‘Green Medium Medium’ would mean - the shirt is green, and done the old way, the size would be medium, and done the new way, the size is still medium. I think Amazon will then assume the shirt IS actually size medium.

Enter the sizes as you normally would in the ‘Size’ variations, but understand that ‘Size’ will eventually go away and only ‘Shirt Size Value’ will remain. You enter the exact same data (shirt size) for this field, the only difference is you’ll be forced to choose your sizes from a drop-down list rather than type them in by hand.


but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

There is. Read the PDF file above, and also check out this help page -

user profile

The same issue since Apr 26… Cant add or update t-shirts with size-color variations. Amazon support dont really know how to deal with that, they answered with suggestion to add products via upload (also headache…)

To delete variations that dont match its not so good idea since I have now more than 500 variations in each product (instead of 100 that should be).

So I`m stuck with that and wait for amazon to fix the issue and all of us can continue adding products with variations…

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Watching …

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I meet the same question and that policy makes me mad. No matter what I choose, it always says no valid value. I think there must be a bug with this policy. Could anybody figure out how to finish the size issue?
Hope anybody could help. thanks

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I am having the same issue and I got extra variation. This new amazon size attributes for clothing is a bit confusing. Any help would be great.

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I am having the same issue and I got extra variation. This new amazon size attributes for clothing is a bit confusing. Any help would be great.

user profile

Ya I hate this new system for clothing! For “Value” though all I do is select “OneSize” but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

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Ya I hate this new system for clothing! For “Value” though all I do is select “OneSize” but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

user profile

If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.

I like a puzzle, so took a look at this even though I don’t sell apparel.

This is what I got from what I read.

“Size” and “Shirt Size Value” are the same thing.

In the old way (Size), you used to be able to type whatever size you wanted. In the new way (Shirt Size Value) you’re going to be forced to select it from a list. During the transition from old way to new way, both fields will still be visible, while sellers get used to choosing their sizes from a list instead of typing them manually.

I got that from this statement -
Will the existing “size” attribute still be available for listing experience?
Post the enforcement of new attributes, we will remove the existing “size” attribute from the listing experiences (Translation: Once everybody learns to do it the new way, we’ll remove the ‘size’ box completely). During the transition phase when both existing size attribute and new standardized apparel size attributes are available (ie both will be available to confuse the heck out of everyone while we transition, because we are Amazon and we believe that making things complex, confusing and convoluted is best), the values submitted through the standardized apparel size attributes will take precedence to generate the customer facing size value. (Choose the right items from the Shirt Size Value list because we’ll ignore what you enter as ‘Size’)

That is taken from the ‘Apparel Size Standardization Seller Guide’ found here -

So it seems like you should enter identical sizes for both Size and Shirt Size Value, then delete any variations that don’t match, like ‘Green Medium Large’. A listing for ‘Green Medium Medium’ would mean - the shirt is green, and done the old way, the size would be medium, and done the new way, the size is still medium. I think Amazon will then assume the shirt IS actually size medium.

Enter the sizes as you normally would in the ‘Size’ variations, but understand that ‘Size’ will eventually go away and only ‘Shirt Size Value’ will remain. You enter the exact same data (shirt size) for this field, the only difference is you’ll be forced to choose your sizes from a drop-down list rather than type them in by hand.


but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

There is. Read the PDF file above, and also check out this help page -

user profile

If I choose color-size for variations I am able to enter color and size, but now I also have to fill out a “Shirt Size Value” field which wasn’t there before.

I like a puzzle, so took a look at this even though I don’t sell apparel.

This is what I got from what I read.

“Size” and “Shirt Size Value” are the same thing.

In the old way (Size), you used to be able to type whatever size you wanted. In the new way (Shirt Size Value) you’re going to be forced to select it from a list. During the transition from old way to new way, both fields will still be visible, while sellers get used to choosing their sizes from a list instead of typing them manually.

I got that from this statement -
Will the existing “size” attribute still be available for listing experience?
Post the enforcement of new attributes, we will remove the existing “size” attribute from the listing experiences (Translation: Once everybody learns to do it the new way, we’ll remove the ‘size’ box completely). During the transition phase when both existing size attribute and new standardized apparel size attributes are available (ie both will be available to confuse the heck out of everyone while we transition, because we are Amazon and we believe that making things complex, confusing and convoluted is best), the values submitted through the standardized apparel size attributes will take precedence to generate the customer facing size value. (Choose the right items from the Shirt Size Value list because we’ll ignore what you enter as ‘Size’)

That is taken from the ‘Apparel Size Standardization Seller Guide’ found here -

So it seems like you should enter identical sizes for both Size and Shirt Size Value, then delete any variations that don’t match, like ‘Green Medium Large’. A listing for ‘Green Medium Medium’ would mean - the shirt is green, and done the old way, the size would be medium, and done the new way, the size is still medium. I think Amazon will then assume the shirt IS actually size medium.

Enter the sizes as you normally would in the ‘Size’ variations, but understand that ‘Size’ will eventually go away and only ‘Shirt Size Value’ will remain. You enter the exact same data (shirt size) for this field, the only difference is you’ll be forced to choose your sizes from a drop-down list rather than type them in by hand.


but I still wish their was some updated guide specific to clothing listings.

There is. Read the PDF file above, and also check out this help page -

user profile

The same issue since Apr 26… Cant add or update t-shirts with size-color variations. Amazon support dont really know how to deal with that, they answered with suggestion to add products via upload (also headache…)

To delete variations that dont match its not so good idea since I have now more than 500 variations in each product (instead of 100 that should be).

So I`m stuck with that and wait for amazon to fix the issue and all of us can continue adding products with variations…

user profile

The same issue since Apr 26… Cant add or update t-shirts with size-color variations. Amazon support dont really know how to deal with that, they answered with suggestion to add products via upload (also headache…)

To delete variations that dont match its not so good idea since I have now more than 500 variations in each product (instead of 100 that should be).

So I`m stuck with that and wait for amazon to fix the issue and all of us can continue adding products with variations…

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Watching …

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Watching …

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I meet the same question and that policy makes me mad. No matter what I choose, it always says no valid value. I think there must be a bug with this policy. Could anybody figure out how to finish the size issue?
Hope anybody could help. thanks

user profile

I meet the same question and that policy makes me mad. No matter what I choose, it always says no valid value. I think there must be a bug with this policy. Could anybody figure out how to finish the size issue?
Hope anybody could help. thanks

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