Read onlyHello, I am trying to make an LTL shipment, but it is sending me to RDU4. Is it possible that this destination can be redirected to RDU2 in some way? thank you
No, you turned everything over to Amazon when you chose to do FBA. THEY decide.
One of the 'joys' of doing FBA is that THEY decide what they want/need in whatever location and they have you ship it there.
That is so that THEIR customers can get things faster and make THEM look good.
If you ship multiple boxes they can/will make you split shipments. There was one recent thread where the seller had to ship to three locations. They were using the ‘placement service’ and said ‘This dramatically increase cost. For me it cost of sending same shipment went from $300 to $1500. ‘
My solution has been (and until I am in a nursing home and can't ship things any longer) to sell FBM. I don't trust Warehouse Wally and their automated forklifts to not run over my stuff.
I pack and ship things better than they do anyway. My last several shipments came in plastic bags. One was the package of socks as sold in stores with just the shipping label stuck on it. At least the mail man didn't laugh at my choices. I'm considering buying some thongs just to get a chuckle out of him.
If you simply HAVE to do FBA you will continue having these issues and they will most likely get worse as they 'fine tune' where your items need to go.
Greetings @Seller_WP0d3WovnQ2LP,
It's not possible to select the FC that you would like to send your shipment to, apologies for any frustration this may cause. The destination for your shipments could change based on a number of factors (size of the shipment, number of units, time of year, etc), so it's possible you may see another option in the future.
- Bryce
Try to avoid RDU4 at all costs. Our local shipment to RDU4 is marked as 'Customs clearance delay' and 'Vessel arrived at destination port.' Here is our post about that issue:
I shipped my units to RDU4 on July 1 2024... still today (Sept2,2024) the units show up as "IN TRANSIT" and now Amazon banner shown that I will need to wait until Nov 2 2024 for the shipment to be closed in order to request investigation... This is totally ridiculouse waiting 120 days! these are perishable Items we are talking about... Sad thing is, Ive open Cases... and even a Forum thread whereas Dominic has abritrarily decide the Thread is already to old to work on it