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merchant shipping group tab question

i'm a merchant shipping on amazon and creating a variation of two child sku's. it asking for merchant shipping group under the variation offer tab not sure how to fill that out.

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merchant shipping group tab question

i'm a merchant shipping on amazon and creating a variation of two child sku's. it asking for merchant shipping group under the variation offer tab not sure how to fill that out.

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Hi @Seller_u6t4WGiJM0U4f,

Thanks for reaching out. Information requirements varies depending on the category that you are listing in, as some require more information than others. It also can be different depending on if you are manually creating the variation, or using the variation wizard. We have created a post specifically around variations you may find useful here.

If you are using a category specific file and it appears that this would be for jewelry, you can download the jewelry template here. If you click on the 'Data Definitions' tab and scroll down to line 233, it will explain the Merchant Shipping Group for you. This is an optional field and not required. If it were required, the Example tab would have had the example in red.

I hope you find this helpful!

Have a wonderful weekend,


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merchant shipping group tab question

i'm a merchant shipping on amazon and creating a variation of two child sku's. it asking for merchant shipping group under the variation offer tab not sure how to fill that out.

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merchant shipping group tab question

i'm a merchant shipping on amazon and creating a variation of two child sku's. it asking for merchant shipping group under the variation offer tab not sure how to fill that out.

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merchant shipping group tab question

by Seller_u6t4WGiJM0U4f

i'm a merchant shipping on amazon and creating a variation of two child sku's. it asking for merchant shipping group under the variation offer tab not sure how to fill that out.

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Hi @Seller_u6t4WGiJM0U4f,

Thanks for reaching out. Information requirements varies depending on the category that you are listing in, as some require more information than others. It also can be different depending on if you are manually creating the variation, or using the variation wizard. We have created a post specifically around variations you may find useful here.

If you are using a category specific file and it appears that this would be for jewelry, you can download the jewelry template here. If you click on the 'Data Definitions' tab and scroll down to line 233, it will explain the Merchant Shipping Group for you. This is an optional field and not required. If it were required, the Example tab would have had the example in red.

I hope you find this helpful!

Have a wonderful weekend,


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Hi @Seller_u6t4WGiJM0U4f,

Thanks for reaching out. Information requirements varies depending on the category that you are listing in, as some require more information than others. It also can be different depending on if you are manually creating the variation, or using the variation wizard. We have created a post specifically around variations you may find useful here.

If you are using a category specific file and it appears that this would be for jewelry, you can download the jewelry template here. If you click on the 'Data Definitions' tab and scroll down to line 233, it will explain the Merchant Shipping Group for you. This is an optional field and not required. If it were required, the Example tab would have had the example in red.

I hope you find this helpful!

Have a wonderful weekend,


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Hi @Seller_u6t4WGiJM0U4f,

Thanks for reaching out. Information requirements varies depending on the category that you are listing in, as some require more information than others. It also can be different depending on if you are manually creating the variation, or using the variation wizard. We have created a post specifically around variations you may find useful here.

If you are using a category specific file and it appears that this would be for jewelry, you can download the jewelry template here. If you click on the 'Data Definitions' tab and scroll down to line 233, it will explain the Merchant Shipping Group for you. This is an optional field and not required. If it were required, the Example tab would have had the example in red.

I hope you find this helpful!

Have a wonderful weekend,


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