Read only我申请品牌备案完成后,过了几天收到商标申请验证码后,可是在后台问题日志里,却没有看到有回复验证码的窗口是怎么一回事呢?而且我的商标申请,验证码都没有回复,状态栏里却是一直显示等待审核中,显示问题是已经解决了?我验证码都没填怎么就已解决了呢?然后也没有办法进行申述。想联系品牌团队,但是显示(您没有在 “亚马逊品牌注册” 中注册任何品牌。要开始使用我们的品牌保护工具,请执行以下操作:注册至少一个品牌.详细了解(亚马逊)品牌注册的申请流程。)就没有下文了,复制或者创建新品牌备案又显示(您需要修改品牌名称并提交不同的商标,才能继续。)我只有一个商标。然后去开case联系卖家支持,那边也是邮件回复需要品牌团队处理,一直死循环。我现在想关闭这个case,重新进行备案。由于我无法联系品牌客服团队,所以,请问一下有没有什么办法可以关闭我的case啊 ,现在品牌也无人审核,case也无法关闭,进行重新的品牌备案。
Hello @Seller_rnKVC51un24Zc!
I wanted to follow up on your post. I review application, that is showing under case ending 2631, at this moment still in application process, our advice will be for you to provide the verification code to the case directly.
In case you are not able to see the case, you can manually review the application and set appeal response, please follow the below steps:
1) Login to brand registry portal
2) Click Manage > Brand Applications
3) Click on the "appeal" button appearing in front of the application with status "ineligible"
4) Fill up the appeal form and submit
Once the application has raised an appeal, it will be reviewed by the concerned team.
Any assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out our support channel