78 Fake Orders
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78 Fake Orders

I've been selling on Amazon for 10 years, and I've never seen anything like this before. There are 78 suspicious orders—each placed at a rate of 6 orders per minute.

  • All orders are from business customers, and each contains only one unit.
  • The best-performing ASIN was targeted.
  • Every order is placed from a different account and shipped to a different address.
  • However, in the address field of all orders, the following text appears: "nullPO67d..."

I contacted Amazon Support, and they are directing me to the Competitor Seller Attack Unit. But here's the catch—they're asking me to provide the name of the competitor.

Are they serious? How am I supposed to know who is behind this? Isn't that their job to investigate?

Has anyone dealt with this before? Any advice?

5 replies
Tags:A to Z Claims, Refunds, Return shipment, SAFE-T
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Almost half of the suspicious orders have been shipped. Others are pending. Please help mods.

Case ID: 17412043141

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Im willing to bet its not a competitor and it is instead either a freight forwarder or dropshipper. I also am willing to be you are exaggerating the "every 6 minutes"

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Is there another ASIN for the same product? Could another seller be doing dropshipping?

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Amazon will never hold your hand. If it is indeed another seller targeting you they are doing it in such a way not to be suspected considering they are using multiple names. Unfortunately, without proof there is nothing Amazon can do. Amazon isn't going to do anything fancy like look up IP addresses or anything like that. I would ship them out like any other order that way your account doesn't get dinged and you can say you did your part.

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It is probably a freight forward company for an international client. This happens once a year with our business and it is always a little shock, but we've never had issues with fraud/returns. Google searching the address may help you identify if it is a freight forwarder.

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