Hello sellers hope you are doing well my seller center don't have call option and my account is deactivated from the start,how can get the call support because every time i apply for appeal it got rejected so any one can tell me hoe to get call support please.
Hello @Seller_nryMSRM5U9awL,
Thank you for posting your concerns with your account deactivation and inability to receive or make a call.
Typically, the call me now feature is available to professional sellers as mentioned our account health support: FAQ help page. Per this policy and feature, if you are an individual seller, this feature will not be offered in the account health page.
What is Account Health Support?
Account Health Support is a dedicated support channel for professional sellers worldwide who have questions or need support regarding their account health.
As noted, this deactivated occurred at the start, were you asked to complete identity verification? Did you receive a performance notification that you can provide us here so we can have a better idea of exactly what you're experiencing? I additionally see that you had previously posted a few months ago on a similar subject. If this is the same situation, you will need to ensure that you provide a valid utility bill that meets our requirements in our seller identity verification help page.
You will first need to ensure that your account information references your address, all utility bills or supporting documents will need to match the original account owners physical address which is associated with your store. Keep in mind that if there are any abbreviations in your documents or account information that causes a conflict of information, it will be rejected. As noted documents and account info needs to match 100%.
If you have any cases with this information has been provided I would also ask that you provide any related case so we can look further into the situation.
The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.