Read onlyHey Sellers,
My Amazon account got deactivated even after submitting the correct utility. The address on my ID, bank statement, and utility bill matches. How can I get it reactivated? Any advice?
Another issue could be your credit card. Do you have a valid credit card on file, not a debit card? Any you are sure the name and address match EXACTLY?
Hello @Seller_nryMSRM5U9awL
Thank you for the information provided regarding the documentation you have submitted as of now. I understand that our team is looking to verify specific details. Could you provide more information regarding the concern our team needs you to address? What kind of messaging have you received in response to the submitted information?
When verifying the information matches, you do want to ensure it is an exact match. Otherwise, the details will be rejected and will require you providing a new document. Have you attempted to provide anything different?
We would encourage you to provide additional details regarding the situation and the messaging you have received. It should be provided to this thread to avoid any confusion on the topic.
Hello @Seller_nryMSRM5U9awL,
Thank you for your response.
I have a few follow-up questions to ask you. You mentioned that the internet bill address matches the address on your identity card, does it also match the address you have in seller central? Does the name on the bill match your identity in seller central? If not, the document may be rejected.
Once you have reviewed the questions above, please feel free to respond here in this thread. The Forums community and I are here to support you.
Wishing you the best,