Read onlyABE8 Shipment ID: FBA1885BKW78 // Delivered 14th August
AVP1 Shipment ID: FBA1885CF45J // Delivered 13th August
AVP1 Shipment ID: FBA185RRF675 // Delivered 13th August
AVP1 Shipment ID: FBA1885CF45J // Delivered 13th August
AVP1 Shipment ID: FBA188L2LZBV // Delivered 13th August
Anyone facing delays with check-in and receiving over here?
Very very surprised, as AVP1 has been the quickest to receive always!
Hi @Seller_1q7SEetEljmRJ,
Thank you for reaching out on the Seller Forums!
I personally haven't heard of delayed receiving times at this fulfillment center, but I'd definitely encourage other sellers to jump in here with their experiences.
In the meantime, please continue to keep an eye on these shipments. If you do not see any movement in the next week or so, please reach back out to me in this thread!
All the best,
Same issue here. Delivered to AVP1 August 27th with no updates since.