Every day a new listing policy violation
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Every day a new listing policy violation

What is funny, you all NEVER STATE WHAT triggered the VIOLATION... seriously we fix all our SKU descriptions, you approve them. then again you hit us with another batch with same SKU's.. Again you state nothing about what we are violating, and what phrases... seriously what the heck is this about... This is absurd. 31 listings, zero data on what word whatever needs to be removed to comply... all this is being documented. As we get more active on the forums, the more harassment we get from Amazon.

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Tags:Buy Box, Compliance, Detail page, Listing deactivated
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Policies for writing listings

Comply with the relevant style guide for the product you're listing. You can find general rules that apply to all products in the Amazon Services Quick Start Style Guide. Some types of product have extra style guidelines. You can find the full set in the Templates for Specific Categories.

Don’t use HTML, JavaScript, or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks </br> in the description.

None of the following are allowed in product detail page titles, descriptions, bullet points, or images:

Pornographic, obscene, or offensive content.

Phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, or website URLs.

Details of availability, price, or condition.

Links to other websites for placing orders, or alternative shipping offers, such as free shipping.

Spoilers on Books, Music, and Video or DVD (BMVD) listings. This includes giving away plot details crucial to the suspense or surprise ending of a story.

Reviews, quotes, or testimonials.

Requests for positive customer reviews.

Adverts, promotional material, or watermarks on images, photos, or videos.

Time-sensitive information, such as dates of tours, seminars, or lectures.

Product titles must not have more than 200 characters, including spaces. This upper limit applies to all categories. Some categories might have a limit of even fewer characters. See the Templates for Specific Categories for details.

Use capital letters only for the first letter of each word. Do not use all capital letters throughout the attribute. This applies to product titles, bullet points, and product descriptions. Use of Emojis, Emoticons, or symbols at the beginning of each word is prohibited.

Comply with Amazon listing standards for any product sold on Amazon. Failure to do so creates a negative customer experience and may result in your selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed. This includes but is not limited to the following:

All products must be accurately categorized. To learn more about classifying your products correctly, see our help pages on Product Classifier, Browse Tree Guide, and ASIN Creation Policy.

Product titles, product descriptions, and bullet points must be clearly written and help customers understand the product.

Product information must be accurate and trustworthy, and not mislead customers about the products’ qualities or characteristics. To learn more about permissible claims, please review Amazon’s Prohibited product claims policy.

Product images must meet Amazon image standards, as well as any category-specific image guidelines. To learn more, see the Product image requirements.

Ensure that the product detail page outlines any additional items that are essential to the function of the product.

CANNOT deduce what of these rules we are violating????? can am mod enlighten us?

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We had that issue a while back and called the Account Health line and talked with a USA based person - they were able to deduce what triggered the bots - words I would NEVER would have thought of by myself - worth a try - good luck

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only by calling the account health specialist you will be told what exactly triggered it .... even if you fix it good luck getting it revised!

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LOL to think amazon will care or actually help nowadays is funny and sad

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Greetings @Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY,

I'm sorry you have had difficulties with your violations. If you have reached out to Account Health and haven't been able to get answers please provide your most recent Case ID and I can see what information I can provide from my end. Thank you for your understanding.


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In reply to: Glenn_Amazon's post

Hello, many cases. They keep saying, "there are no violations" except every other day we have 100's of them, we remove a space, the flag goes away.. we have removed SOOO Much info from out listings they are just basically word salads. its absurd.





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HI there @Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY,

My initial review of the ASINs you provided is that the products bulletpoints use emojis which are prohibited as indicated on the Bullet Points Requirements help page. So Amazon's systems for these kind of violations assume you fixed the right thing when you make edits, however if you haven't it will be identified a prohibited again and then pulled down again. That's why you see the flag going away and then it reappears.

I would review ALL of your detail pages to ensure your content is compliant with the requirements for the standards of that attribute. Additionally I'd review all the detail page rules and guidelines to ensure that your detail pages do not contain prohibited information, characters, or claims. Here's some important pages I'd recommend you review:

Detail Page Rules

Product title requirements and guidelines

Product page style guides

Product bullet points requirements

My initial review suggests the major issue is the emoji in the Bullet Points, however there may be other issues. In those instances I would make a list of the impacted ASINs and reach for support with Account Health via the Account Health Dashboard. Thank you for your understanding.


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In reply to: Glenn_Amazon's post

Thanks, what is interesting... Emoji's were not prohibited in past, and have been there for literally YEARS... and MANY sellers use them... but i guess this is selective and the AI has latched on to our listings... but WHY would the violation NOT STATE THIS.. i cannot spend all day re-reading amazon by laws... i am not an amazon by lawyer, i am a seller trying to SELL.. not be tripped up by the ever evolving regulations.... if you understand.. thanks for your reply..

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Hello @Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY,

In some instances Amazon doesn't share the specific reasons as the teams don't want folks to try to find ways around detection of violations. However I am happy to take your feedback to the internal teams as I can understand that this is frustrated. Hopefully this resolves your issue but if it does not please let me know. Thank you.


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In reply to: Glenn_Amazon's post

I have another question for you... we are trying to request PRL exemption as our return labels are hit with insane over fee's on UPS, but we have a contract with UPS and FEDEX that eliminates overages..

Every time i upload the template, it stays active for a day, then i request the report and the PRL file is empty.. and then we get a return today and of course UPS charged us 40$ for a return label that i can buy from FEDEX for 15$... this has to end.

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Hi there @Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY,

I think the best course for this issue is to create a new thread in the "Fulfill Orders" category with the full details and your most recent Seller Support Case on this issue. I'm not sure why your exemptions are not working but one of my Community Manager experts from that category should be able to assist. Thank you for your understanding.


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In reply to: Glenn_Amazon's post

Here is the link to the thread. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/fbca9ec8-f864-4dbe-b8d9-bc5ea0753a2d?postId=fbca9ec8-f864-4dbe-b8d9-bc5ea0753a2d]

CASE ID 17101951941


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Hey there @Seller_KcEtz9Bkb8qhY,

Looks like @KJ_Amazonhas reached out to you on this issue with your returns and PRL exemptions. Please work with them as they investigate in your thread here. Thank you for your understanding.


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I truly believe the biggest threat to my business on Amazon is Amazon.

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