Who can actually help with advertisement?
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Who can actually help with advertisement?

I've been on this journey of losing money every time I run a campaign. I subscribed to Helium for help with keywords and listing etc.. I've watched a few videos on PPC campaigns, but I'm still losing money. I have increased my sales, but the ACOS is way high and the ROAS way low. I'm so frustrated. I get excited I'm selling but then I hesitantly go look at my campaign and see ACOS at 400%. WTH! I have contacted third-party ad managers but they're way too expensive for a small self-funded business. Does anyone have any suggestions for videos or anything I can watch/read that will help the money bleed PPC campaigns?

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Tags:Advertising, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products, Sponsored display
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Hi @Seller_lg7fpL9uMfC31,

Striking the right balance for your ads strategy can be challenging so I can understand your frustration. While I am not an expert and won't be able to provide an exact strategy for your specific products, I did want to provide links to a few recent posts we have made about ads. They cover topics like readying your product pages for advertising, optimizing your keywords (which can help lower ACOS), and utilizing the suggested products function to help identify the best products in your portfolio to advertise.

I hope some of this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions on the content linked above.


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