FBA (B2B+B2C) - Options for case packs?
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FBA (B2B+B2C) - Options for case packs?

We sell individual units o B2C and cases/cartons to B2B. At our 3PL (different market/country) they just pull individual units out of the carton as necessary for B2C, or ship an entire carton if a B2B order comes in.

For simplicity we would like all our stock sitting in one system (FBA). How do we replicate the above using Amazon? Is there a way to keep some cases/cartons unopened to we can use MCF to send them to B2B customers? My assumption is that if they are unpacked we will get hit with a very high FBA fulfillment fee to pick 30 units for one case order?

Our product has a 12 month shelf life so my understanding is we can't use AWD to solve this problem?

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Tags:FBA, Fulfillment
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Amazon will NOT break open a case pack at the time of a B2C sale. You must send your items to Amazon how they will be sold. So, you label the B2C units individually with an FNSKU label and the B2B case packs get another FNSKU label. Each one is tied to your SKU.

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