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Disputing Price Comparisons to Win Back the Featured Offer

We sell graphic tees/tops/hoodies/etc. for which pricing varies depending on size. For example: a small t-shirt with a basic graphic is selling at $19.99, and a 5XL size of the same exact t-shirt and graphic sells at $21.99. And this is true across all of the channels that we sell these products on. Same pricing as Amazon.

We are losing the Featured Offer for thousands of SKUs and I believe it is because Amazon's bot/system is comparing the smaller size SKUs, from somewhere like Walmart, to our large size SKUs on Amazon. I think this because it's mostly our XL size SKUs that are losing the Featured Offers and the comparison prices Amazon pulls seem to always match the smaller size pricing for the same item on Walmart.

It's hard to know for sure since Amazon doesn't show you what product it is comparing the items to, like they do on Walmart. And you can't dispute the comparison for unfair comparisons, so I'm stuck.

Is any one else experiencing this? And have you found another way of winning back the Featured Offer without evening out all prices across sizes and channels?

@Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

Please let me know if I have to open a case with the same information, in case that will get me some sort of solution.

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hey y'all, looking for some insights.

please let me know! @Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

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Greetings @Seller_Nd7lY3V9QcdVG,

In general Amazon does not share any details on why you are or are not Featured Offer Eligible and Amazon does not provide details on the internal reviews associated with the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy. However if you wish to contest these findings you can reach out to Seller Support to request an internal review. If you have any difficulties you can provide your Case Id and the ASINs you are concerned about and I will review further. Thank you.


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Disputing Price Comparisons to Win Back the Featured Offer

We sell graphic tees/tops/hoodies/etc. for which pricing varies depending on size. For example: a small t-shirt with a basic graphic is selling at $19.99, and a 5XL size of the same exact t-shirt and graphic sells at $21.99. And this is true across all of the channels that we sell these products on. Same pricing as Amazon.

We are losing the Featured Offer for thousands of SKUs and I believe it is because Amazon's bot/system is comparing the smaller size SKUs, from somewhere like Walmart, to our large size SKUs on Amazon. I think this because it's mostly our XL size SKUs that are losing the Featured Offers and the comparison prices Amazon pulls seem to always match the smaller size pricing for the same item on Walmart.

It's hard to know for sure since Amazon doesn't show you what product it is comparing the items to, like they do on Walmart. And you can't dispute the comparison for unfair comparisons, so I'm stuck.

Is any one else experiencing this? And have you found another way of winning back the Featured Offer without evening out all prices across sizes and channels?

@Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

Please let me know if I have to open a case with the same information, in case that will get me some sort of solution.

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Disputing Price Comparisons to Win Back the Featured Offer

by Seller_Nd7lY3V9QcdVG

We sell graphic tees/tops/hoodies/etc. for which pricing varies depending on size. For example: a small t-shirt with a basic graphic is selling at $19.99, and a 5XL size of the same exact t-shirt and graphic sells at $21.99. And this is true across all of the channels that we sell these products on. Same pricing as Amazon.

We are losing the Featured Offer for thousands of SKUs and I believe it is because Amazon's bot/system is comparing the smaller size SKUs, from somewhere like Walmart, to our large size SKUs on Amazon. I think this because it's mostly our XL size SKUs that are losing the Featured Offers and the comparison prices Amazon pulls seem to always match the smaller size pricing for the same item on Walmart.

It's hard to know for sure since Amazon doesn't show you what product it is comparing the items to, like they do on Walmart. And you can't dispute the comparison for unfair comparisons, so I'm stuck.

Is any one else experiencing this? And have you found another way of winning back the Featured Offer without evening out all prices across sizes and channels?

@Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

Please let me know if I have to open a case with the same information, in case that will get me some sort of solution.

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hey y'all, looking for some insights.

please let me know! @Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

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Greetings @Seller_Nd7lY3V9QcdVG,

In general Amazon does not share any details on why you are or are not Featured Offer Eligible and Amazon does not provide details on the internal reviews associated with the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy. However if you wish to contest these findings you can reach out to Seller Support to request an internal review. If you have any difficulties you can provide your Case Id and the ASINs you are concerned about and I will review further. Thank you.


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hey y'all, looking for some insights.

please let me know! @Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

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hey y'all, looking for some insights.

please let me know! @Glenn_Amazon @SEAmod @Quincy_Amazon @Rose_Amazon

user profile

Greetings @Seller_Nd7lY3V9QcdVG,

In general Amazon does not share any details on why you are or are not Featured Offer Eligible and Amazon does not provide details on the internal reviews associated with the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy. However if you wish to contest these findings you can reach out to Seller Support to request an internal review. If you have any difficulties you can provide your Case Id and the ASINs you are concerned about and I will review further. Thank you.


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Greetings @Seller_Nd7lY3V9QcdVG,

In general Amazon does not share any details on why you are or are not Featured Offer Eligible and Amazon does not provide details on the internal reviews associated with the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy. However if you wish to contest these findings you can reach out to Seller Support to request an internal review. If you have any difficulties you can provide your Case Id and the ASINs you are concerned about and I will review further. Thank you.


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