Not able to get added as a seller to the existing product
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Not able to get added as a seller to the existing product

We wish to sell the product which is already listed in Amazon (ASIN: B09R44FWM5), but no able to do so. Getting an error saying "You cannot change a product detail page, or add offers on another seller’s generic product, or copy the product detail page to another store. If you want to sell a generic product, you must create a new product. To create a new product, follow the process outlined in Add a Product tool. For more information, go to Amazon Generic Product Policy."

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Tags:Add a product
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actually now latching is not allowed on generic listings

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for god sake never register your self as an existing seller into someone's listing. Instead of that create a new listing on your own and sell on your own. Setting low peice and entering into someone listing as a existing seller is really bad, you should deactivate your account or should learn how to list

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