Error 8572 what to do?
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Error 8572 what to do?

Error 8572

Hi Amazon , I am having issue while listing due to error 8572.

<p>8572: You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. If you believe you have reached this message in error, contact Seller Support with the following information: </p> <ul> <li>Product Name</li> <li>Manufacturer name</li> <li>Brand name</li> <li>UPC or EAN or ISBN or JAN along with GS1certificate</li> <li>Non-brand owners: A copy of a letter/email from the manufacturer or brand stating that the UPC or EAN or ISBN or JAN you are using to list this product is valid</li> <li>Brand owner: Valid and current (not expired) GS1 certificate for the GTIN range(s) used by your listings</li> </ul>

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Hi @Seller_vsirlpoMxA20X,

I'm sorry you're running into difficulties while listing your product.

Error 8572 help page goes over these details, but this error occurs when the provided product ID (ASIN, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or JAN) does not match with the brand or product. The barcode you are using doesn’t belong to the brand. Ensure that the product ID used for the given product matches the barcode from the brand. To resolve this error, refer to the scenario wise guidance and reference before contacting Selling Partner Support.

If you contacted Selling Partner Support and are running into any difficulties, feel free to share your case ID and I'll review the details.

Thanks and have a great day.

- Manny

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