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Enhance product listings with new Reduce Customer Returns recommendation

We’ve launched a new recommendation in the Growth Opportunities tool to help you reduce returns and improve the customer experience.

The Reduce Customer Returns recommendation uses data such as return comments, customer questions, and reviews to offer the following insights:

  • Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page.
  • Detail page recommendations: Improve your product detail page with content recommendations based on what customers look for.
  • Customer issue trends: Tailor your detail page content based on the number of customer questions and answers on a topic in your product category.
  • Listing comparisons: Compare your listings with top-selling brands that have similar information in their detail pages.
  • Ideal location: Find out whether placing content in the title, bullets, or product description of your detail pages will have the greatest impression on customers.

To view your recommendation, go to Reduce Customer Returns (available to sellers with access to the Growth Opportunities tool).

19 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Enhance product listings with new Reduce Customer Returns recommendation

We’ve launched a new recommendation in the Growth Opportunities tool to help you reduce returns and improve the customer experience.

The Reduce Customer Returns recommendation uses data such as return comments, customer questions, and reviews to offer the following insights:

  • Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page.
  • Detail page recommendations: Improve your product detail page with content recommendations based on what customers look for.
  • Customer issue trends: Tailor your detail page content based on the number of customer questions and answers on a topic in your product category.
  • Listing comparisons: Compare your listings with top-selling brands that have similar information in their detail pages.
  • Ideal location: Find out whether placing content in the title, bullets, or product description of your detail pages will have the greatest impression on customers.

To view your recommendation, go to Reduce Customer Returns (available to sellers with access to the Growth Opportunities tool).

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can you tell the mentality of the employees who write these news articles?

They do not address the elephant in the room. Do away with RFS and it will be Way more effective in reducing Returns.

Do you think the author of the article and the supervisor who approved it is an actual seller?

Buyers do not return items based on what was stated.

- Buyers return items selecting the wrong return reason to avoid paying stated return fees. Buyers commonly select Inaccurate Web Page, as a return reason when the UPC is an exact match to the product.

- Buyers return items because they want an item for person al use and return after using.

- Buyers return totally different items so they can keep the new item sent.

- Buyers return rocks and bricks taped in a sealed new package, so no one will know there is nothing inside.


"Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page."

Place this one sentence at the top of the Return Request Page:

Buyers found in violation Amazon Published Return Policies may have their return privileges removed. Click here for more information. (link to a well-organized return policy clearly stated for buyers to read. this page does not exist.)

Now are there any other sellers who believe that would be way more effective that changing your listing whick already sells well?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Buyers will click on whatever they can in order to get it to say FREE returns. Why be responsible and pay for any return charges when you can damage item and it is FREE? until there is no return option for sellers and ability to block and leave feedback for on customers you are just blowing smoke!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Maybe charge or remove customers who lie on their return reasons wouldn't that be easier? Especially on FBA where Amazon seems to be double dipping on fees by allowing so many inaccurate return reasons.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

#1 solution: Change the UI on the buyer return screens from "choose one of these options to get free return shipping" to "honestly describe why you are returning the item."

Until this is done, this will continue to be a rental site, including for large items like Furniture which will CLEARLY be returned after being used but for which a full refund must be provided.

Also, I hate you, Amazon. At least I have the guts to say it, instead of repeatedly telling you I love you while kicking you in the shins with announcements that make it feel like it's your fault the customer is taking advantage of you by design.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Detail page recommendations"

Why does Amazon persist in regurgitating this lie? No seller is allowed to make changes to detail pages—only brand owners. So why would they make a recommendation to fix something that we can't fix?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Jeff Bezos is gone, and his return ideas have created a massive problem of fraud and abuse, which these suggestions will not be of any help. in a resolution

It is time the company admits the failure of handling returns and actually get rid of the buyers who abuse the return system.

The band-aids suggested in this article will have no effect on Reducing Customer Returns.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Update bullets because customers have asked 20 questions about THIS product or OTHER products in the category. What good is that? If other products have terrible copy, why are you suggesting I improve my bullets? Why not highlight issues with MY listings, based on what customers do related to MY listing?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Any time I have tried to "reduce returns" due to inaccurate web pages, incorrect categories etc ; I have been given the run around, lied to, denied, etc... I guess we will see. I will try it once, currently there is nothing there for me, probably because anything with an actual issue I will not sell here anymore.

I certainly can agree with others though, the reason returns are out of hand here is mainly due to Amazon RFS and allowing blatant lies from the buyer (common example: my item is late - when it is 2 days early).

Saying there is a description issue on the web page, should prompt a mandatory reason to be given and if true, amazon should allow that reason to be acted on and fixed.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

If you want to help us reduce returns why don't you allow us to try to troubleshoot an issue before Amazon auto approving a return. Somebody of the returns are unnecessary they did not read the details on the product page they're using expired batteries and we know because they ship them back with their expired batteries still in the product.

This also scares me because Amazon will most likely start taking down more listings for some unknown reason that are active. Amazon has created havoc with our inventory with detail Pages removed and active suppressed listings. Updating product pages is either difficult or not possible.

In about 65% of the return reasons given customers will blame the seller when in fact it's the buyer's fault. Do they read the product description...or condition?

In theory this sounds good but I think it's only going to lead to more issues for us third party sellers.

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Enhance product listings with new Reduce Customer Returns recommendation

We’ve launched a new recommendation in the Growth Opportunities tool to help you reduce returns and improve the customer experience.

The Reduce Customer Returns recommendation uses data such as return comments, customer questions, and reviews to offer the following insights:

  • Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page.
  • Detail page recommendations: Improve your product detail page with content recommendations based on what customers look for.
  • Customer issue trends: Tailor your detail page content based on the number of customer questions and answers on a topic in your product category.
  • Listing comparisons: Compare your listings with top-selling brands that have similar information in their detail pages.
  • Ideal location: Find out whether placing content in the title, bullets, or product description of your detail pages will have the greatest impression on customers.

To view your recommendation, go to Reduce Customer Returns (available to sellers with access to the Growth Opportunities tool).

19 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Enhance product listings with new Reduce Customer Returns recommendation

We’ve launched a new recommendation in the Growth Opportunities tool to help you reduce returns and improve the customer experience.

The Reduce Customer Returns recommendation uses data such as return comments, customer questions, and reviews to offer the following insights:

  • Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page.
  • Detail page recommendations: Improve your product detail page with content recommendations based on what customers look for.
  • Customer issue trends: Tailor your detail page content based on the number of customer questions and answers on a topic in your product category.
  • Listing comparisons: Compare your listings with top-selling brands that have similar information in their detail pages.
  • Ideal location: Find out whether placing content in the title, bullets, or product description of your detail pages will have the greatest impression on customers.

To view your recommendation, go to Reduce Customer Returns (available to sellers with access to the Growth Opportunities tool).

Tags:News and Announcements
19 replies
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Enhance product listings with new Reduce Customer Returns recommendation

by News_Amazon

We’ve launched a new recommendation in the Growth Opportunities tool to help you reduce returns and improve the customer experience.

The Reduce Customer Returns recommendation uses data such as return comments, customer questions, and reviews to offer the following insights:

  • Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page.
  • Detail page recommendations: Improve your product detail page with content recommendations based on what customers look for.
  • Customer issue trends: Tailor your detail page content based on the number of customer questions and answers on a topic in your product category.
  • Listing comparisons: Compare your listings with top-selling brands that have similar information in their detail pages.
  • Ideal location: Find out whether placing content in the title, bullets, or product description of your detail pages will have the greatest impression on customers.

To view your recommendation, go to Reduce Customer Returns (available to sellers with access to the Growth Opportunities tool).

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can you tell the mentality of the employees who write these news articles?

They do not address the elephant in the room. Do away with RFS and it will be Way more effective in reducing Returns.

Do you think the author of the article and the supervisor who approved it is an actual seller?

Buyers do not return items based on what was stated.

- Buyers return items selecting the wrong return reason to avoid paying stated return fees. Buyers commonly select Inaccurate Web Page, as a return reason when the UPC is an exact match to the product.

- Buyers return items because they want an item for person al use and return after using.

- Buyers return totally different items so they can keep the new item sent.

- Buyers return rocks and bricks taped in a sealed new package, so no one will know there is nothing inside.


"Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page."

Place this one sentence at the top of the Return Request Page:

Buyers found in violation Amazon Published Return Policies may have their return privileges removed. Click here for more information. (link to a well-organized return policy clearly stated for buyers to read. this page does not exist.)

Now are there any other sellers who believe that would be way more effective that changing your listing whick already sells well?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Buyers will click on whatever they can in order to get it to say FREE returns. Why be responsible and pay for any return charges when you can damage item and it is FREE? until there is no return option for sellers and ability to block and leave feedback for on customers you are just blowing smoke!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Maybe charge or remove customers who lie on their return reasons wouldn't that be easier? Especially on FBA where Amazon seems to be double dipping on fees by allowing so many inaccurate return reasons.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

#1 solution: Change the UI on the buyer return screens from "choose one of these options to get free return shipping" to "honestly describe why you are returning the item."

Until this is done, this will continue to be a rental site, including for large items like Furniture which will CLEARLY be returned after being used but for which a full refund must be provided.

Also, I hate you, Amazon. At least I have the guts to say it, instead of repeatedly telling you I love you while kicking you in the shins with announcements that make it feel like it's your fault the customer is taking advantage of you by design.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Detail page recommendations"

Why does Amazon persist in regurgitating this lie? No seller is allowed to make changes to detail pages—only brand owners. So why would they make a recommendation to fix something that we can't fix?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Jeff Bezos is gone, and his return ideas have created a massive problem of fraud and abuse, which these suggestions will not be of any help. in a resolution

It is time the company admits the failure of handling returns and actually get rid of the buyers who abuse the return system.

The band-aids suggested in this article will have no effect on Reducing Customer Returns.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Update bullets because customers have asked 20 questions about THIS product or OTHER products in the category. What good is that? If other products have terrible copy, why are you suggesting I improve my bullets? Why not highlight issues with MY listings, based on what customers do related to MY listing?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Any time I have tried to "reduce returns" due to inaccurate web pages, incorrect categories etc ; I have been given the run around, lied to, denied, etc... I guess we will see. I will try it once, currently there is nothing there for me, probably because anything with an actual issue I will not sell here anymore.

I certainly can agree with others though, the reason returns are out of hand here is mainly due to Amazon RFS and allowing blatant lies from the buyer (common example: my item is late - when it is 2 days early).

Saying there is a description issue on the web page, should prompt a mandatory reason to be given and if true, amazon should allow that reason to be acted on and fixed.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

If you want to help us reduce returns why don't you allow us to try to troubleshoot an issue before Amazon auto approving a return. Somebody of the returns are unnecessary they did not read the details on the product page they're using expired batteries and we know because they ship them back with their expired batteries still in the product.

This also scares me because Amazon will most likely start taking down more listings for some unknown reason that are active. Amazon has created havoc with our inventory with detail Pages removed and active suppressed listings. Updating product pages is either difficult or not possible.

In about 65% of the return reasons given customers will blame the seller when in fact it's the buyer's fault. Do they read the product description...or condition?

In theory this sounds good but I think it's only going to lead to more issues for us third party sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can you tell the mentality of the employees who write these news articles?

They do not address the elephant in the room. Do away with RFS and it will be Way more effective in reducing Returns.

Do you think the author of the article and the supervisor who approved it is an actual seller?

Buyers do not return items based on what was stated.

- Buyers return items selecting the wrong return reason to avoid paying stated return fees. Buyers commonly select Inaccurate Web Page, as a return reason when the UPC is an exact match to the product.

- Buyers return items because they want an item for person al use and return after using.

- Buyers return totally different items so they can keep the new item sent.

- Buyers return rocks and bricks taped in a sealed new package, so no one will know there is nothing inside.


"Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page."

Place this one sentence at the top of the Return Request Page:

Buyers found in violation Amazon Published Return Policies may have their return privileges removed. Click here for more information. (link to a well-organized return policy clearly stated for buyers to read. this page does not exist.)

Now are there any other sellers who believe that would be way more effective that changing your listing whick already sells well?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can you tell the mentality of the employees who write these news articles?

They do not address the elephant in the room. Do away with RFS and it will be Way more effective in reducing Returns.

Do you think the author of the article and the supervisor who approved it is an actual seller?

Buyers do not return items based on what was stated.

- Buyers return items selecting the wrong return reason to avoid paying stated return fees. Buyers commonly select Inaccurate Web Page, as a return reason when the UPC is an exact match to the product.

- Buyers return items because they want an item for person al use and return after using.

- Buyers return totally different items so they can keep the new item sent.

- Buyers return rocks and bricks taped in a sealed new package, so no one will know there is nothing inside.


"Financial impact: View the estimated amount in dollars that you could’ve gained over 90 days if you’d taken a recommended action to improve a product detail page."

Place this one sentence at the top of the Return Request Page:

Buyers found in violation Amazon Published Return Policies may have their return privileges removed. Click here for more information. (link to a well-organized return policy clearly stated for buyers to read. this page does not exist.)

Now are there any other sellers who believe that would be way more effective that changing your listing whick already sells well?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Buyers will click on whatever they can in order to get it to say FREE returns. Why be responsible and pay for any return charges when you can damage item and it is FREE? until there is no return option for sellers and ability to block and leave feedback for on customers you are just blowing smoke!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Buyers will click on whatever they can in order to get it to say FREE returns. Why be responsible and pay for any return charges when you can damage item and it is FREE? until there is no return option for sellers and ability to block and leave feedback for on customers you are just blowing smoke!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Maybe charge or remove customers who lie on their return reasons wouldn't that be easier? Especially on FBA where Amazon seems to be double dipping on fees by allowing so many inaccurate return reasons.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Maybe charge or remove customers who lie on their return reasons wouldn't that be easier? Especially on FBA where Amazon seems to be double dipping on fees by allowing so many inaccurate return reasons.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

#1 solution: Change the UI on the buyer return screens from "choose one of these options to get free return shipping" to "honestly describe why you are returning the item."

Until this is done, this will continue to be a rental site, including for large items like Furniture which will CLEARLY be returned after being used but for which a full refund must be provided.

Also, I hate you, Amazon. At least I have the guts to say it, instead of repeatedly telling you I love you while kicking you in the shins with announcements that make it feel like it's your fault the customer is taking advantage of you by design.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

#1 solution: Change the UI on the buyer return screens from "choose one of these options to get free return shipping" to "honestly describe why you are returning the item."

Until this is done, this will continue to be a rental site, including for large items like Furniture which will CLEARLY be returned after being used but for which a full refund must be provided.

Also, I hate you, Amazon. At least I have the guts to say it, instead of repeatedly telling you I love you while kicking you in the shins with announcements that make it feel like it's your fault the customer is taking advantage of you by design.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Detail page recommendations"

Why does Amazon persist in regurgitating this lie? No seller is allowed to make changes to detail pages—only brand owners. So why would they make a recommendation to fix something that we can't fix?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Detail page recommendations"

Why does Amazon persist in regurgitating this lie? No seller is allowed to make changes to detail pages—only brand owners. So why would they make a recommendation to fix something that we can't fix?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Jeff Bezos is gone, and his return ideas have created a massive problem of fraud and abuse, which these suggestions will not be of any help. in a resolution

It is time the company admits the failure of handling returns and actually get rid of the buyers who abuse the return system.

The band-aids suggested in this article will have no effect on Reducing Customer Returns.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Jeff Bezos is gone, and his return ideas have created a massive problem of fraud and abuse, which these suggestions will not be of any help. in a resolution

It is time the company admits the failure of handling returns and actually get rid of the buyers who abuse the return system.

The band-aids suggested in this article will have no effect on Reducing Customer Returns.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Update bullets because customers have asked 20 questions about THIS product or OTHER products in the category. What good is that? If other products have terrible copy, why are you suggesting I improve my bullets? Why not highlight issues with MY listings, based on what customers do related to MY listing?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Update bullets because customers have asked 20 questions about THIS product or OTHER products in the category. What good is that? If other products have terrible copy, why are you suggesting I improve my bullets? Why not highlight issues with MY listings, based on what customers do related to MY listing?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Any time I have tried to "reduce returns" due to inaccurate web pages, incorrect categories etc ; I have been given the run around, lied to, denied, etc... I guess we will see. I will try it once, currently there is nothing there for me, probably because anything with an actual issue I will not sell here anymore.

I certainly can agree with others though, the reason returns are out of hand here is mainly due to Amazon RFS and allowing blatant lies from the buyer (common example: my item is late - when it is 2 days early).

Saying there is a description issue on the web page, should prompt a mandatory reason to be given and if true, amazon should allow that reason to be acted on and fixed.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Any time I have tried to "reduce returns" due to inaccurate web pages, incorrect categories etc ; I have been given the run around, lied to, denied, etc... I guess we will see. I will try it once, currently there is nothing there for me, probably because anything with an actual issue I will not sell here anymore.

I certainly can agree with others though, the reason returns are out of hand here is mainly due to Amazon RFS and allowing blatant lies from the buyer (common example: my item is late - when it is 2 days early).

Saying there is a description issue on the web page, should prompt a mandatory reason to be given and if true, amazon should allow that reason to be acted on and fixed.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

If you want to help us reduce returns why don't you allow us to try to troubleshoot an issue before Amazon auto approving a return. Somebody of the returns are unnecessary they did not read the details on the product page they're using expired batteries and we know because they ship them back with their expired batteries still in the product.

This also scares me because Amazon will most likely start taking down more listings for some unknown reason that are active. Amazon has created havoc with our inventory with detail Pages removed and active suppressed listings. Updating product pages is either difficult or not possible.

In about 65% of the return reasons given customers will blame the seller when in fact it's the buyer's fault. Do they read the product description...or condition?

In theory this sounds good but I think it's only going to lead to more issues for us third party sellers.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

If you want to help us reduce returns why don't you allow us to try to troubleshoot an issue before Amazon auto approving a return. Somebody of the returns are unnecessary they did not read the details on the product page they're using expired batteries and we know because they ship them back with their expired batteries still in the product.

This also scares me because Amazon will most likely start taking down more listings for some unknown reason that are active. Amazon has created havoc with our inventory with detail Pages removed and active suppressed listings. Updating product pages is either difficult or not possible.

In about 65% of the return reasons given customers will blame the seller when in fact it's the buyer's fault. Do they read the product description...or condition?

In theory this sounds good but I think it's only going to lead to more issues for us third party sellers.


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