Scam Email? Seller Verification?
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Scam Email? Seller Verification?

How do these seller verification audits start? I got notice of one through email telling me to verify my info then click a button to begin the verificaiton process....I don't see anything in my account telling me I need to do such a verification...the email sounds phishy...wouldn't I see an alert upon my sign-on to Seller Central? Do these audits in fact start with such an email communication:

Dear Seller,

We are conducting a review of your seller account. As part of this process, we need to verify your contact information.

Please confirm that we can reach you at the phone number listed under "Emergency Notifications", at this link:

Alternatively, go to the Notification Preferences page in the Settings section of Seller Central.

**Action required: Once you have confirmed that your contact information is accurate, please send us a confirmation email so we can begin the verification process.

Send Confirmation

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Hi @Seller_Sram36TnVt73c

Connor from Amazon here, thanks for reaching out.

Can you post a screenshot of the e-mail so that I can take a look at it on my end. We do send notifications to sellers to update their contact information but I want to make sure what you received is in fact from Amazon.



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