Read onlyODR 1% or less required to sell
If not RFS, seller required to refund or wait for Amazon to auto issue refund which has no time basis. It could be 3 days or weeks. Not like eBay who auto refunds within 2 business days of any return.
Can't file SAFE-T claim if you process refund yourself. System will not allow you too. Seasoned sellers know this.
Have to apply your own deductions to refund for damages, etc putting you at a very high risk of consumer complaint, A-Z claim, negative feedback which you'll lose.
So therein lies the loophole. You can either get hit with ODR marks or risk it and wait for Amazon to refund automatically, which still risks ODR as consumer is awaiting refund.
If RFS is applied, this process is very easy. Amazon auto refunds on first scan. You file safe-t claim with proof. If done correctly, you should get reimbursed, even if it takes an appeal or two.
There's no rythm or reason to RFS either. Usually, items under what? $100 get RFS, but not always and no reason to why they don't. I have one right now $67.99 that Amazon didn't apply RFS and customer destroyed item. Customer asked for refund. So now I have no option but to lose money and refund them in full. Otherwise, if I don't and apply deduction, I'll for sure get A-Z claim or negative feedback or both damaging reputation. I hate being called a liar too. That's basically what Amazon and customer say when they give consumer full refund and marks on account stay.
Hello @Seller_CA70ZtA5VBcto
Thank you for posting to the Forums and for providing your feedback regarding the return and refund process. Your feedback will be passed along to the appropriate partner team(s).
For reference, in regards to refunds, you are required to issue a refund within two business days of receipt of a return. However, in some circumstances, you can charge a restocking fee when a buyer returns an item. These circumstances include when an item is returned outside of Amazon's return policy or in used, damaged, or materially different condition. I have included some help pages below for your reference if needed: