Dear Amazon Team,
When upgrade to Professional Plan, I Click on Identity Verification (Reverify), I was redirected to the CASE interface,
"Get Help->Account Health->Reactivate your account" always redirecte the " Account Health"->always redirecte the"Get Help->Account Health->Reactivate your account"
So that I can't update and change my identity information, resulting in me not being able to complete the verification of the Consumer Notice Act, please fix this bug. please help!
Could you help me give me one chance to verify my identity!
Thank you and best regards.
Sounds like you made some more changes that just selecting the box to upgrade to professional plan. What that box is clicked, Amazon just bills you and account billing and listing fees are made in the background. Hopefully nothing else relating to the account was changed.
Now with that said... Another factor may come into play. This is the time of the year Amazon cuts way back on new sellers, account changes, new brands, etc. It is not that the Amazon has anything against you, but it is to protect the buyers from the mistakes Amazon knows can easily happen. It just may take to waiting to after the first of the new year. That way Amazon knows that sellers will have 10 months to work out their kinks for the 2025 hi=holiday shopping season.
Hello there @Seller_nQlECeHftShlD
My name is CR and wanted to jump in here. Before I go further, have you reached out to Seller Support about the issue you are facing to see if they can help provide you with some guidance?
If so, please do drop that case # below and I'd be happy to review further. In the meantime, if you have any screen shots you could share here (and in the case if you do open one) that would be helpful to understand what you are seeing on your end.
I'll hang tight here for your reply.
You can't CHANGE your identity information. A seller account is NOT transferrable and that's why the "Legal Entity" can NOT be changed. And this has nothing to do with upgrading to the professional plan.
Why do you want to change the "Legal Entity"? Did you put your private name when CREATING your seller account and now you have become a "Single Member LLC"?